Short Story - Late Nights

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Disclaimer - cursing, fluff

You had just gotten done putting all the swords and shields back on the weapons rack as you looked up at the sky that was now dark and filled with stars.

As you started to walk out of the training arena you noticed a small rock in the sand. It reminded you of some of the rocks you would find back in the old days so you put it in your pocket.

You started to walk off when you head soft footsteps behind you. You turned and seen Sif walking up to you.

"Hey, Sif," you greeted her as she began to walk with you.

"Hey," she said with a sigh.

"Today was a long day," you said as you rubbed the back of your neck and looked up. She hummed in agreement before you both started to head for the tavern for some beer. You needed a good drink after the day you had.

After you sat down with Sif and got your beer you started to drip the cool liquid as it burned the back of your throat. It always did that, but the more you drank it the more the burning went away.

You sat there in silence for a while until you seen Sif look up from behind you. You tensed as you knew someone was behind you. Then all of the sudden two hands came down on your shoulder as they made a shout.

"Holy fucking shit," you said in surprise as you jumped forward, spilling your beer a little bit. You looked down at the mess before turning to whoever it was with a glare.

"Sorry, Lady Y/n, I couldn't help myself," Thor said with a big grin as he chuckled.

"Oh, hello, Thor. How's Earth?" You asked him as you sat back down and he pulled up a chair to you and Sif's table.

"Good, how's everything here been?" Thor asked even though he already knew the answer.

"Good," Sif said before Thor looked back over at you.

"So, how's Arthur been?" Thor asked with a soft smile.

"He's been okay, he's had a lot of fire tantrums but that's about all," you said calmly before taking another sip of your beer. He chuckled before he looked up as well. You quickly turned around not wanting to be scared again.

There stood Heimdall as he was, in fact, about to scare you. You rolled your eyes at him as he chuckled and also pulled up a chair to sit down. He then kissed you in the side of your forehead making you blush and look away from everyone at the table.

"A lot of fire tantrums is an understatement. They happened frequently," Heimdall said putting the emphasis in frequently.

"Bad anger issues," Sif whispered to Thor as he nodded slowly.

"Well, is he around, I'd like to see him since it has been a few months," Thor said even though it had only been a few weeks on Asgard.

"He is currently asleep, and the longer he is asleep, the better mood he will be in tomorrow," Heimdall explained as he leaned back in his chair a bit.

"Well, I guess it won't hurt to get some sleep," Thor said before getting up and starting to walk off.

"Nice talking to you to Thor," you said sarcastically.

"Yea, I better head back to my chambers as well," Sif said with a sigh before drinking the last of her beer and walking off. After she was gone it was just you and Heimdall.

"I guess we should head to bed too," you said before standing up with Heimdall and walking out of the tavern.

When you reached your chambers you both entered the room quietly and got ready for bed in a silent manner. Arthur was asleep in his crib and one wrong sound could wake him up. It was like walking around in a starving lion's den while it's asleep.

As you climbed into bed Heimdall's embrace immediately enclosed you as you snuggled close to him.

"I love you, Y/n," Heimdall whispered as you nuzzled closer to him.

"I love you more," you said, looking up at him with tired and peaceful eyes. He smiled down at you softly before resting his chin on the top of your head.

"We have a son," Heimdall said quietly as he looked over at Arthur's crib with a fond look. You giggled before looking back up at him.

"Yea, we've had a son for a year now," you said with a smile.

"Still crazy to think about," he said. "What about another one?" He then asked as you looked up at him with a surprised look.

"Few more years... maybe, I'm still recovering from that Goliath," you said jokingly as you referred to your son. Heimdall chuckled before kissing your forehead and pulling you closer to his body.

(Well, another short story done. I might start on a second fanfic but that might be a while since I'm working on like 5 other stories 🥲. Anyways I hope you enjoyed and I hope you have a great day.)

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