Chapter 20 - Phoenix

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Disclaimer - cursing

Sif immediately started getting excited and pushed you down to the rainbow bridge as soon as you found out. You however were asking yourself tons of questions and trying to calculate what the actual fuck was happening.

Just a second ago a magical flower told you that you were pregnant and now you were about to tell the man you loved about it. You were stressed to the max.

As soon as you reached the Bifrost you felt like throwing up. You didn't even have to walk far before Heimdall greeted you at the entrance.

"I'll see you later, Y/n," Sif said as she started her walk back. You just kind of looked at her helplessly before turning back around to face Heimdall. You knew that he knew, and that was what worried you.

"Y/n, are you alright?" He asked you worryingly as he took a step closer towards you. You felt like backing away, running, hiding, but you knew that it was just Heimdall and he wouldn't hurt you. Your nerves were shot at that point, words didn't really make any sense to you anymore, and your body felt tired and queasy.

You nodded slowly before looking I'm straight in the eye. For the first time, you no longer found his eyes beautiful and mesmerizing, now you found them frightening in a way.

"Y/n, I know your scared, about all of this, but it will be okay," he said before he held out his hand. You hesitated for a second before you placed your hand in his and embraced him. You hugged him tight as you closed your eyes. Tears formed in your eyes as you tried to fight off the urge to cry.

"I'm shocked is all," you said, finally mustering up enough words. He waited as you wiped away the tears that formed. You were finally calmly down and you were grateful for that.

"So have you decided then?" He asked you in a hesitant tone. You looked at him with a serious look for a second.

"Decided what?" You asked with a scared look.

"If your going to keep it," he said with a mixture of emotions, hopefulness and excitement the most prominent ones. You flashed a smile as you nodded.

"Of course I'm keeping it. Even though it's a shock and I'm scared, I'm keeping it," you said smiling. He smiled at your answer before hugging you again.

~ Time Skip ~

Sif was the one to go with you to the healers, since you really wanted to know how far along you were. When you got there you were a little intimidated to say the least.

As you laid down on the metal table as two woman worked around you looking at some orange hologram of your body. It was like a x-ray but a lot cooler.

"You're only about a week, it's amazing that the flower even detected the pregnancy when the body barely even knew. Then again the embryo is only the size of a coin right about now," one of the healers said as she looked around the hologram where your stomach area was. That was kind of good news for you because you were worried with the amount of training, stress, and beer you had endured before that period. Thank god luck was on your side for a few weeks of you don't know what you would have done.

"That's interesting," one of the healers said making you pop your head up to look.

"What?" You asked them with a hint of worry.

"It's nothing bad, I can assure you. It looks like your body is putting up a shield of sorts to protect the embryo from harm. See the formation moving around it," the head healer said pointing to the swirling happening around the baby. Also you kind of cringed at the word, embryo, it was just a weird word to you that you didn't like.

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