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(Y/N) - your name
Italic - thoughts

"Enjoy cleaning this up, boys. Thank you (Y/N) for watching over them". Roxie says as she throws the shovels to Darius and Kenji.

I nod at her.

"We're going to the genetics lab" Roxie finishes and walks away.

Brooklyn stays behind to snap a quick picture of the boy and their shovels.

Dave fosses over a bottle of cologne to Darius and says "Cologne. That'll help with the smell.And the ladies. What what? The mostly the smell. The stench of dinosaur poo can really Linger". Dave finishes

"What? But..." Darius says

"Ugh! gross". Kenji says while getting the poo off his shoe.

I laugh lightly.

"Thanks to you, I'm shoveling poop instead of watching a live dinosaur birth. That's only been my dream sense, uh, I don't know...forever!". Darius says to Kenji

"Dude,that's not a dream.A dream is like when you save mermaids from a shark". Kenji says

"Whatever! Figures you wouldn't understand. The scientist are heroes. they re-created the T. Rex! A T.REX! Do you know what it takes to do that?". Darius says

"It's cute you're this excited about some dumb lab. Noobs like you don't know half of what's in this place". Kenji says

"Like what? You're all talk". Darius says

"I've been to this park, like, 50 kajillion times.I am in the know, Junior and since you helped me out earlier, I might be willing to show you the good stuff." Kenji says

" I'm interested in this good stuff" I finally speak up.

"Oh you are, sweetie" he says with a smirk

"Wait, (Y/N), why did you stay?" Darius asks staring at me.

"She can't get enough of me, right sweetie" Kenji says

"Wrong, I wanted to stay because I feel more comfortable with you two." I say looking at Darius.

We stare at one another for a while until Kenji starts coughing.

(Stay safe hoomans)

" I just Thought you'd be interested in seeing one they stop showing to the public. But...whatevs.It's only a once in a lifetime opportunity". Kenji says while staring at us both.

"Right, lead the way, Kenji" I say

"Well then let's get going, sweetie" he says leading Darius and I to a hatch.

"Where's this tunnel go?" Darius asks

"This tunnel is part of an underground network connecting the whole island. This is how the big dog gets around.You're actually looking at a Jurassic World VIP, kid". Kenji finishes saying and makes his way down the ladder.

"Gentleman first" I say with a giggle.

He smiles at me and makes his way down.

I follow afterwards and soon we reach the bottom.

We look up to see that the hatch closes on its own.

"(Y/N)? Kenji?" Darius asks

"Darius? Kenji?" I say feeling around and grab a hand tightly.

I was never a great fan of the dark.

Soon the lights turn on and I notice that I'm holding Darius hand.

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