3.6K 95 65

Sorry for the long wait...I did mention  that there would be slow updates so please be patient and I hope you enjoy this chapter.

(Y/N) = your name
Italic = thoughts


"Prepare yourself for the wonder of the underground river. Two adventurers per kayak. Life vests must be worn at all times. Adults, please fasten your own life vests before helping little adventurers. Remain seated at all times. Your journey begins now" the intercom says

I walk over to pick up the vests and Ben hands me one. I smile and he smiles in respond. Before my attention is drawn away by Kenji.

"(Y/N),Brooklyn, and I call the CKK" he says

"CKK?" Brooklyn questions

"Cool kids kayak" Kenji responds as he puts his arm around my shoulder.

"Well sorry, not sorry but I prefer to kayak with Ben" I say grabbing ahold of his hand and getting it off my shoulder before walking away. Unbeknownst to me Brooklyn and Kenji were watching me walk away.

"Ben and bumpy can go in this one" Darius says

"I'll go with them!" Yasmina and I say at the same time.

I smile and she ignores me.

I grab a hold of Ben hand. "C'mon let's get go" I say taking him along with me to the kayak and Yasmina following close behind.

Ben hops into the kayak and I push bumpy into the kayak. Yasmina hops right into the kayak. Ben in the middle of us as we begin our kayak adventure.

We soon hear the automated voice. "Ladies and gentleman, we'd like to thank you for your patience.

We continue rowing along. Then Kenji kayak bumps into ours.

"Watch it!" Yasmina says

"CKK has right of way. Sorry, I don't make the rules" Kenji says

"Jerk" I say in a whisper but from the looks of it Yasmina and Ben heard me and chuckles lightly. I smile at them before turning back to look at front.

Still can't believe, I kissed him on his cheek. I thought the dude was nice for saving me.

"Hey, the cave's getting bigger and brighter?" Brooklyn says

We soon come to witness a beautiful waterfall and lights all over the cave.

"It's beautiful!" I say out loud. "Your right" Ben responds. But unbeknownst to me, he wasn't staring at the lights nor the waterfall and Yasmina noticed.

"Ben, would you please put down that overgrown turtle and pick up your paddle?" Yasmina says

"I can paddle from here" I say to Yasmina. She nods

" I think bumpy is seasick" Ben says

" we should be out of here soon, hopefully bumpy will be okay til then" I say to Ben

"I think we three need to prepare for Dino-vomit!" Ben says

Before our attention is brought to Sammy.

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