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"We thought it be fun..." Darius began

"we thought we'd be safe, but..."

"we didn't realize the...horror waiting for us on the island"




"So much screaming"

"How much screaming?" Ben asks tightly holding onto me.

"Shh he's getting to the good part" Kenji says to Ben with a visible glare on his face.

What's got him in such a bad mood

"the T. Rex stalked closer"

"Her jaws opened wide"

And welp before he could continue his story. Brooklynn decided it was the best time to take a photo.

"What" "huh" was exclaimed .

"For the vlog, keep telling your little story" Brooklyn says

Darius quietly sigh and once again began.

"Oh, here we go" Kenji says

"The T. Rex sta—" but before he could continue any further.

"Dang, out of space.wait, I'm sorry, hold on. I just don't want to delete my selfie on Everest, you know?" Brooklynn says

Brooklynn shows us the photo.

"That's cool" I say and Sammy says "Ooooh"

"Maybe I should start over" Darius says

"No! In fact, you can just stop". Ben says still holding onto me.

How is he so strong

"Dude, chill. He's not even telling the story right now. And why are you still holding onto (Y/N)" Kenji says

" you have a strong grip, Ben"I said ignoring Kenji

"So the T.Rex stalked" Darius said before being interrupted yet again only this time it's by Sammy.

"Shouldn't we call yasmin or Over? I bet she'd love the story". Sammy says

"Maybe she wants to be by herself". Brooklyn answers and I nod.

"I don't understand". Sammy answers

"Do you know how sometimes people just wanna be left alone?". Kenji says

Sammy begins to laugh.

"Kenji,you're hilarious.I think she's just shy and doesn't know how to make him friends". Sammy says and soon begins to whimper as we hear the thunder.

"Maybe we should go inside" Sammy says

"Way ahead of you" Ben answers

How Did you get all the way over there

Soon Sammy, Kenji, and Ben enter while I stay behind to check on Darius who's lying down on the bench.

"I did enjoy your story, now c'mon let's head inside. Wouldn't want you catching a cold and missing out on all the fun" I say extending my hand out.

He nods and takes my hand so I lead the way inside.

Happy with him indoors I let go of his hand and notice Yasmina now inside.

"You can draw?" I say while approaching her.

She nods.

"Seeing as how you didn't say anything. I'm guessing you keep it to yourself" I say

Camp Cretaceous (various) x readerWhere stories live. Discover now