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(Y/N) - your name

"Ow" I heard Ben say

"Is everyone okay?" Darius ask I nod

"Is everyone...?" Yasmina says outraged getting out of the van.

Well this isn't going to go good

Soon everyone is out of the vehicle. Sammy first out behind Yasmina.

"Yaz, wait, wait! Yasmina!" Sammy says

The rest of the group soon begins to get out of the van. I walk up to Ben and bumpy staying close.

"We're not okay, We're in The middle of a jungle with a monster dinosaur out there, and you...you..." Yasmina makes an attempt to respond but is cut off

"destroyed Our only way to get help and lied about it! I told you guys!" Brooklyn say happy to know that she's right.

Welp we were right

"So,You did take Brooklyn's phone? Why? What were you doing?" Darius questions

"Probably trying to erase my video of her taking those samples from the sinoceratops. And you knew about the Indominus Rex Because you were snooping around Dr.Wu's office when I ran into you. I knew it!" Brooklyn says as she pieces it all together

This is news to me...why would Sammy do something like that and why would Brooklyn know all this

"I didn't mean to destroy the phone.I fell on it when the zip line came down and—" Sammy says trying to explain herself before being cut off.

"But you did steal it? You did have that the whole time and didn't tell us?" Ben says

"Hold up. What were you doing in Dr. Wu's office, Brooklyn?" I ask confused

"I...It doesn't matter. I didn't break our only way to call for help and then lie about it! This is not my fault! this is her fault!" Brooklyn says accusingly at Sammy

I interjected.

Although Sammy lied, I won't tolerate Brooklyn blaming her for this. It's just not right

"Hold on, Brooklyn, this is not her fault, the Indominus Rex would have came for us to begin with!" I say next to Ben and bumpy

She seems suprised and annoyed at me for defending Sammy. But before she could respond Sammy interjects.

"I'm here to spy! For a company called mantah Corp". Sammy confesses

But why??

"Mantah Corp? There are bioengineering company, big problems with masrani.They tried to make dinosaurs, too, but Wu beat them to it" Darius says

"You doing this all for some lousy company?" Ben says in disbelief.

I slightly glare at Ben. He doesn't seem to notice.

"Our ranch was in trouble,So my folks had to borrow a lot of money from some shady people. We didn't know they were fronting for mantah Corp.They said we'd lose everything unless I spied for them. Use the behind the scenes access I'd get at camp to gather info from Wu's lab, and DNA From Dino's, and whatever else they needed. But then Brooklyn caught on, and I got scared, and then everything went wrong. This is the last thing I wanted to happen." Sammy says

That explains everything, she did it for her family ranch

"Oh, to Be next to a broken van on killer dinosaur island?. Hey, me too! What are the odds?" Yasmina says

"Yaz, I-" Sammy tries to respond before Yasmina cuts her off.

"Was it all a lie, wanting to be friends? Pretending you cared about...You just needed someone to hide what you were doing. Tell me I'm wrong". Yasmina says

Sammy begins sobbing. I run up to her leaving Ben and bumpy side and hugged her.

She hugs me back.

And I hear Yasmina voice.

"I'm such an idiot" she says walking off. I let Sammy go knowing she would want to run after her.

"You are wrong. I just didn't know how to say it, how to explain to you. Just because I spied doesn't change who I am". Sammy says grabbing onto Yasmina shoulders.

"Don't touch me! Go away Sammy". Yasmina says

Sammy begins walking away from us and Yasmina walks back to the group.  Meanwhile I head next to Sammy. She seems grateful as I hold her hand.

"Sammy, it's not your fault, this would've happened with or without the phone and just know I'm hear for you. I may not show it the greatest because I tend to be more physical when showing how I feel but just know I'm here to lend a shoulder" I say and We hear the rest of the group.

"Not now, bumpy"

"Look, I know the situation were in is suboptimal—" Ben says

"It's trash. Just say it's trash, Ben" Brooklyn says

"Yes but despite the obvious trashitude...we...we need to" Ben was saying before being cut off.

Bumpy begins squealing repeatedly.

"Bumpy, what are you..." Ben asks before we see and hear the Indominus Rex heading into our direction. Sammy and I begin running off with the rest of the group next to the van to hide.

Luckily the Indominus Rex doesn't seem to notice us and continues ahead.

"What the heck" I hear Darius say

And to my suprised a helicopter following after the Indominus Rex.

"Masrani Helicopter! That is Call sign on the tail!" Kenji says

"They're shooting at the Indominus" Darius says and begins running. We spectate as the helicopter shoots at the Indominus Rex.

"What was that?" Brooklyn asks

"Yeah! Kick it's butt, masrani! We're saved! Yeah, baby! Ah! I told you, they've got it totally under—" Kenji said before slowly going to a stop as we see the helicopter crashing and soon hear an explosion.

"With those pteranodon loose, we're sitting ducks! We've gotta take cover!"  Darius says

"The kayak river! The entrance is near here.. it goes underground beneath the river. If we follow it, it'll take us right to the main park". Kenji says

"That's a great idea Kenji, then that's where we need to be. Come on!" I say

Wait did I really just say that

They continue running while I stay behind with bumpy.

Ben soon comes for bumpy grateful that I'm with her. We lift her up and begin running but the pteranodon makes it difficult. At some point Ben and I get tired and fall down with bumpy.

"Bumpy! come on, we need to go in!" Ben says

"Come on, bumpy" I say while getting up.

The pteranodon close by and all three of us begin running into the cave. We made it in the Nick of time as Yasmina closes the door behind us.

We hear the voice.

"Jurassic world river adventure"

(Author note: This was done nicely, but now leave a comment for who should (Y/N) ride with. Other than that I hope you enjoyed this chapter and stay tune for the next one)

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