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(Author note: Hello fellow readers as expected updates are slower but this shall continue. But to my fellow readers I have a question, would you prefer season 1,2, and 3 to be in just this book or would you like them all in separate books? Leave a comment on what you would like)

(Y/N) = your name
Italic = thoughts


At the sound of the explosion, everyone soon fell back to their seats.

"What was that?" Darius asks

"It sounded like an explosion" Yasmina says

"Ugh! Not again!" Brooklyn says

"I don't see anything" Kenji says

"I don't think it was near us, we're okay. We're still okay" Darius says

We're still not out from danger yet are we...

My thoughts were cut short as Sammy speaks up.

"I know camp wasn't what we thought it was gonna be.But after everything we went through. At least we're leaving this place with six new friends.To the seven of us being best friends for life. Clink!" Sammy says

At this everyone seems to mind their own business.

I enjoyed my time here with them while it lasted...but I hope to see them again

Sammy seems confused as everyone grows quiet. "Guys, hello?, Wait, do you guys not see us as friends?" Sammy asks

"I mean...Doesn't it usually take more than a few days to become friends with someone?" Brooklyn asks

"We were thrown together at random, we have nothing in common" Yasmina says

"We've been through more together than most friends have in a lifetime". Sammy says

"And now that it's over, what are the odds that will ever see each other again?" Ben says

I finally decided to speak up. "We may not consider each other as friends,but I'm glad I got to know you all, I think my time here will be a memory, I'll never forget and maybe in the future, I'll get to see one of you" I said with a smile.

Everyone seems to just stare at me. Until the automated voice is heard "Coming Up on the right you'll see our world-renowned 18-hole, dinosaur themed golf course.It's one of the many wonders that makes this park so very Jurassic."

I hear Brooklyn chuckle "what does that even mean?" She asks

Darius responds "I thought, I knew, My whole life, I had this idea of Jurassic World.My dad used to say this place was all-osaurus and a bag of chips.He was so corny"

"Um,was? So, your dad is..."Ben says

I stand up and sit by Darius. I grab ahold of his hand.

"I'm sure he's glad that you made it to Jurassic world even if it did have its bumps and bruises" I say

He intertwines our fingers and seems to hold on tightly to my hand.

"I'm sorry, Darius ugh! Sorry. Nice one, Sammy, ya ding-dong! Like sorry could begin to—" Sammy says before being cut off.

"It's okay" Darius says

I get closer to Darius ear and began whispering. "When we do make it out of Jurassic world, I'd like to get to know you better. You can count on me, I'll be here for you, Darius" I finished then I quickly give him a peck on the cheek. He seems surprised as he lets go of my hand to touch his cheek. I giggle at his reaction and turn around as the others seem to not have noticed.

"Hey, at least your dad never saw. What a dumpster fire this place turned out to be, huh" Kenji says

At this Yasmina shoves him from behind.

"Ow, I meant it's cool that Darius and his dad were so close. I could count on one hand, the number of times me and my dad have done...anything". Kenji says

"Kenji, that's just real sad". Sammy says

"Yeah, Did I mention I have a bowling alley?" Kenji says

"Yeah and I'll gladly say that I'd like to play against you, Kenji" I say

"Bring it on, sweetie" Kenji responds

"Dang it, come on, it's  gotta be here somewhere . Oh bumpy stepped in something icky and I'm low on sanitizer. It's fine. I can make more." Ben says

"Ben, why are you here?" Kenji asks

"What he means is—eh,well, you're sacred of dinosaurs, and the outdoors, and sometimes the indoors, and germs". Darius says

"And whip cream for some reason" Sammy says

"The way it moves" Ben says and shudders at the thought.

"Yeah, that's what I'm talking about. What's the deal?"kenji says

"My mom works for Mr.Masrani she got me into camp, said it would be a great way for me to face my fears.it's been a nightmare! Well mostly" Ben says while staring at me in the end. But then continues "I'm sick of being scared all the time and of running. And of almost getting eaten and...and holding everyone back. I just can't do...this. But it's not all bad. If I hadn't come I never would have met—" Ben says before we all felt a crash.

As result I almost ended up on the floor if it weren't for Darius grabbing ahold of me and holding me close to him. But we then quickly let go of one another.

Hopefully my face isn't red

Darius begins standing up properly and running to check out the commotion and I run behind him as did the others.

Darius gets close to the glass and then turn back at us to say "guys,we gotta turn off the lights!" He grabs ahold of the flashlight in Kenji hand and begins smashing on the lights.

Kenji then decides to look out and sees flying reptiles.

"Flying reptiles are basically seabirds.they're attracted to shiny, moving objects, and while all these lights on" Darius says

"We're a shiny, moving object!" Sammy and I say

The flying reptiles begin ramming into the glass...

(Author note: I hope you enjoyed this chapter. There may or may not be an update soon...but I do hope my readers are here for the ride)

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