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(Author note: yahoo next chapter. Longest chapter ever)

(Y/N)- your name


"What about bumpy" Ben asks

Awwww, he cares about bumpy

"She's a dinosaur, bro. She belongs out here in the wild". Kenji says

"And she'll just slow us down. We gotta go now". Yasmina continues

I turn to see bumpy softly leaning into Ben touch. She looks so happy.

Welp I decided to help Ben hide bumpy...somewhat

We then continue our walk. Darius in front of me asks " we're doing the right thing, yeah? Going towards the genetics lab? Or should we have stayed at camp? Would that have been safer?. How are you so calm about this?". Darius asks

"I told you, if someone gets eaten, I'm not to blame, you and (Y/N) are. Lea-der-ship". Kenji says

Wow thanks Kenji

"But if I'm leading us the wrong way, the person getting eaten could be you". Darius responds

"Are you sure we should be going to the lab? Why are we moving so slowly. Let's pick it up, people" Kenji says walking faster

"That was a smart move, I have to be honest, I'm not sure if it was the best move but it's better than staying put, after all it was my idea, I'll take the blame if something goes wrong". I say to Darius while gently patting his back to calm him down.

He smiles and realization hits him "wait, guys, where's Ben?" Darius says

In a panick, I make sure to stand in front of Darius vision in order to block Ben from being seen.

But it's no use since bumpy started growling. The rest of us just stare at Ben.

Yasmina clears her throat and Ben finally notices the spectators watching him.

"Hey, how's it hangin'...dudes?" Ben says

"Ben, are you hiding bumpy in that bush? And (Y/N) did you take part in this?" Darius asks

Before either Ben and I could respond bumpy begins bellowing.

"Nope. That could be anything. The jungle makes all sorts of weird noises". As soon as Ben finishes bumpy comes out of hiding.

"How did she get there" Ben says

"well what's bumpy doing there?" I say at the same time as Ben.

"We don't have time for this! There are Dinosaurs eating people out here, and bumpy can't keep up!" Yasmina says

"She can move faster! Ankylosauruses run fast. Right, Darius?" Ben says

"When they're fully grown, maybe, but she's just..." Darius says close to finishing when Bumpy begins to nap.

"Wow! Yeah, total speed demon. Say goodbye, Ben" Kenji says

"Wait!, can't bumpy tag along with us. She doesn't have her pack and is so small in this dinosaur infested place, what if something happens to her?" I say running to Darius as my partner. I grab a hold of his hands and hold them tightly.

"Please, Darius" I say with a pout. A small blush appears on his face but before Darius could answer, Brooklyn interjects making me release Darius hands much to Brooklyn delight and Darius dismay.

"(Y/N), bumpy is too slow" Brooklyn says

"Then...then we'll put her in the van!"Ben says

"What Van?" Sammy says

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