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(Y/N) - your name
Italic - thoughts

I hope you enjoy this chapter

"Okay no, just no, I can't choose. You guys we have to stick together". I say while staring down.

"I'm having a bad feeling about this and as much as I believe you Kenji for once. Darius, let's first figure out where we are cause we're getting nowhere" I finish while staring at Kenji than Darius.

They both slowly nod.

Kenji still being slightly annoyed picks up a rock and throws it.

We hear the sound of the rock hitting metal and begin to walk in that direction.

"Kenji delivers". He says and Darius begins to quickly jog while I walk with Kenji.

"You know this park like the back of your hand, right?". Darius asks

"Uh,duh!" Kenji responds.

"So, you definitely know which side of the fence the Carnotaurus is on?" Darius asks

We became quiet as the sound of footsteps comes from behind us.

Than a growl

And we soon come to realize that the Carnotaurus is behind us.

We slowly turn around as the Carnotaurus snarls staring at us.

We run

Darius and I sliding under the log meanwhile Kenji runs around the log.

Kenji falls and says "Don't leave me,man!" In desperation as the Carnotaurus gets closer.

I quickly head into his direction to help lift him up and we continue to run away.

"Dude and dudette, it's gaining!" Kenji says

"It's fast—" Darius says before I cut him off.

"But not on turns" I say in realization

"Zigzag, on my count!"




Darius and I say at the same time

We run to the left side as the Carnotaurus falls and soon picks itself up to reach us.

As the Carnotaurus makes another attempt he crashes on a tree as we turn to the right.

We continue to run seeing the fence.

The carnotaurus picks itself up yet again.

We soon spot the fence and notice a small opening.

Kenji than me being able to get through the small opening but the opening shutting down Darius.

The carnotaurus running at us.

Darius makes an attempt to open the opening with me there aiding him.

"Your going to be okay, Darius" I say in order to calm him down.

Kenji runs away and brings back a nice and sturdy piece of wood.

Kenji and I grab onto the wood and attempt to lift up the cage.

And right before the carnotaurus chomps the cage. Kenji and I successfully get it to open and Darius falls down on top of me.

Why does this keep happening to me

The carnotaurus roars at us as we successfully escape.

"Darius, please get off" I say with a smile on my face but deep inside kinda annoyed on how I somehow end up in this position.

Kenji to our side begins jumping up and down and Darius helps me up.

"Did the big Dino hurt his little nose, you think your slick toro, you got nothing, Toro cause of the horns" Kenji says while pointing at his head.

I nod and Darius says "oh yeah"

"Hey toro your arms are pretty much vestigial at this point, yeah" Darius finishes

Boys sure are something

"Yeah,boy, that's what's up" Kenji says

Toro responds by ramming onto the gate scaring Kenji and Darius.

I laugh and sudden realization hits me.

"Guys, we have to go like now" I say and they suddenly realized the position were in.


The boys quickly pick up their shovels out of breath meanwhile I remain calm and leaning on the tree.

"Why are you two so out of breath?" Roxie asks

"Just doing the job we're told. How was the field trip?" Darius asks.

"Oh well, you know, Ben fell in love with a dinosaur and superstar here got us booted from the lab". Yasmina responds while point at Brooklynn

"That is not what happened" Brooklynn responds

"How did poop patrol go?" Sammy ask

"Awesome, you all should have seen—" Kenji says before being cut off.

"This valuable experience learned a lot about ourselves and yup" Darius says

I nod

"Well than hit the showers and maybe stay in there you two" Roxie says

"Two near death experience in two days, we can't tell anyone about toro or we're definitely getting sent home" Darius says

" I can't believe no one will know, I saved your life". Kenji says staring at Darius

"I'll know Kenji" Darius says

"Thanks, so we even now, Darius" Kenji asks

"Kenji can I talk to you for a bit, alone" I say while staring at Darius.

"I-I umm yeah I'll go" Darius says

"Thanks" I say to Darius

He nods and walks away staring back at me, unbeknownst to me.

"You just can't get enough of me now, sweetie" Kenji says in a flirtatious tone.

" yeah, no, I was actually just about to say don't act out to often. You have no idea how scared I was to lose you...or Darius in that moment. You saved Darius and for that I found you brave but... I don't want any of us to die" I finish off

"Yeah, yeah, No promises but I'll try to be more careful. whatever makes you sleep at night, swee—" kenji says before remaining quiet as he finally realizes what I had just done.

I gave him a peck on the cheek and whisper into his ear "keep it a secret" and slowly walk off not know what drama this may bring as Kenji remains standing there in shock.

Welp that just happened. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and stay tune for the next one. Leave a comment if you would like a female love interest.

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