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(Author note: this is my way of escaping reality)


As we continue our walk, Ben, Brooklyn and I remain together holding hands. Ben suddenly steps on a twig making the rest of the group scream scared.

"Sorry, I stepped on a twig". Ben says

"Ugh, come on, man". Yasmina says

"I should step on you"kenji says

"It's okay Ben" Darius and I say

"We're all on edge" Darius continues

"And lost" says Yasmina

"Yeah,we've been out here for a while now. Darius, we sure were still headed towards the park?" Sammys asks

Brooklyn let's go.

"Well, we'd be sure if I still had my phone, because it has a GPS, a compass app, and is also a phone!" Brooklyn says walking closer to Sammy until she is all up and personal.

"Sammy didn't steal your phone, No one stole your phone" Yasmina says while holding onto Brooklyn shoulder.

Brooklyn shrugs her shoulders to get Yasmina hands off her.

"Can we please stop talking about the phone?" Yasmina says

Ben still behind me speaks up and says " you guys! You guys, You guys, you guys.Could you all yell at each other quieter, please?" Well before they could respond

Kenji in an even louder voice speaks up. "My fellow campers, chill! What we need here is someone who can make the hard Call on what to do next. Since I am obviously leadership material...I'll do this.And my first decree as leader is for everyone to stop talking and just listen to Darius and (Y/N)!" He finishes

"What?" "Huh" confusion in both Darius and I voices were heard

"Both of you got us out of camp alive. Plus I can blame you if anybody gets eaten, leadership,so, which way, Darius and (Y/N)?" Kenji asks

Darius and I just stare at one another. Before the silence is removed by Brooklyn saying "Please, you're just trying to cover up the fact that you're lost, too, Mr. VIP. None of us know where we are" Brooklyn says

Darius breaks the silence. "I know where we are! We're by the Carnotaurus paddock! I thought this place look familiar". Darius says and runs off

"Great eye, Darius" I say running after him with the rest behind me.

"I remember the fence, the broken, ripped-down fence". Darius says

"That means... That means toro is out here... With us". Ben says

Wait what, how does he

"Now we have to deal with the Indominus and Toro. Hold up. How do you know about toro?" Darius asks

"We all know. Can you totals, like, the day after it happened". Yasmina says

Darius and I glare at Kenji.

I just hope he didn't tell others about what I did

"In my defense, Me saving you both was super cool". Kenji says

I have to talk to him later

"We know this enclosure is still north of the main park.So, if we keep going that way,we'll hit the visitor center". I say and Darius continues.

"We're sure to find Dave and Roxie , or someone else there in charge". Darius says

"Yes! Exactly what I was thinking, as leader, which I am. Follow me" Kenji says  and walks off

Before I can continue walking. Ben speaks up to Darius and I.

"I don't think finding an adult is going to help. A terrifying, camouflage dinosaur trashed our camp. No way they have a plan for that". Ben says

Darius was close to speaking but I signaled him to remain quiet. He only nods.

"Ben, I know Jurassic world is scary but for now finding a person who can help us is the best chance we got while people are still in Jurassic world". I say

"He didn't feel so well back at their first part, did they?Hmm?" Ben says

Before I could respond. Darius does "Everything will be OK. Trust me".

I smile grateful for his interjection and continue waking to catch up to Kenji and the gang.

As we continue walking, we come across a gyrosphere and a dead dinosaur.

"Predators don't kill pray and then just leave without feeding. This...this isn't right". Darius says

We hear a growl and scared we run off into the opposite direction of the sound. Ben and I hiding together.

We patiently wait until a small dinosaur comes out.

Ben takes a peak and is extremely happy. He releases my hand and soon
screams "bumpy" and runs toward bumpy.

So that's bumpy, what a cute girl

Ben and bumpy have a lovely moment. Until kenji says "and droopy, and smelly. How do you even know that's the same dinosaur?"he asks

"Her big head bump.Dr. Wu Said she's asymmetrical but he's wrong but it's bad. And so what if she is asymmetrical? There's nothing wrong with being different, or bumpy Or getting tired after reading in overly thrilling book! And maybe if her parents had listened to her. She wouldn't have come here and gotten attacked!" Ben says

This is no longer about a dinosaur

"As Fun as it's reunion is, shouldn't we keep moving south" Kenji says

"I'm not spending another hour walking through the jungle, Hoping that we don't run into that Indominus. We need a new plan" Brooklyn says

"Uh, yeah, obviously we need a new plan. So, I had (Y/N) and Darius figure out a new one. Lay it on us sweetie" Kenji says

"We need to find somewhere safe close by. If camp is that way, and the park is that way...Isn't Dr.Wu's field genetics lab near here?. You guys went on the tour. Does this area look familiar?" I ask

"Um...yeah. Y-Yeah. I think it might be over that way". Sammy says

"That seems right" Yasmina says agreeing with Sammy

"Great! That where we should go! There's bound to be a person there who can help will tell us what to do". I say and suddenly the sound of a roar although faint scares us all.

"Fine, whatever! Let's just go to the lab.As long as we are moving away from that". Brooklyn says

(Author note: welp I just finished watch season 3 of camp cretaceous and can't wait to write it up but with that being said I do hope all you lovely readers are patient with me)

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