1. Death

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" No! Your majesty please reconsider! Princess Athanasia is innocent!!" Begged the brunette,her gaze so very pleading at the cold blooded man in front of her.

"You insolent wench! You dare defy my orders? As I thought I should have killed you right when you appeared before me so boldly 18 years ago. Well that's alright, since I can kill you now."

And with a fling of a sword her head was sent flying.

The said princess watched, trembling endlessly.
Lily, Lilian York, her mother figure,died. No, she was killed. Killed by him!
Tears flowed through her eyes like a never-ending waterfall.

On the side, A certain red haired man felt a heart wrenching sadness,oh no it was heartache, for losing his beloved just like that,he couldn't protect her only to watch her die with a grim expression in his face.

" Now that one nuisance is gone, what shall I do with you?" Said  the man with the same cerulean jewelled eyes as the framed princess.

She mustered up courage and asked with tears rolling down her beautiful cheeks.

" Your majesty, what will it take for you to love me?"

" Should I become like Jennette? If I do then, will you call my name clearly like hers? Will you look at me with warmth in your eyes?"

" Will you hold me in your arms...without pushing me away? Will you-"

" Such a thing won't happen until the day  I die." The emperor coldly cut her off

"Why?WHY? I am your daughter too! And..... and I was by your side much longer than Jennette!!!"

" You fool. There was never a day I considered you my daughter."

With that all hopes were shattered for Athanasia.