18. How the chimera is doing.

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5 years later.

"Once upon a time, lived a princess in an abandoned castle. The princess loved stealing chocolates in the middle of the night.

And that princess grew up to be......

The worry wart princess Athanasia-"



"Hmph.." Athanasia punched him on his temples.

"I'm not the worrywart princess." She said, but didn't get any retort like she usually did.

She turned around only to see Lucas clutching his head.

"Hey...you alright?" She started to panic when she still didn't receive any reply

She saw that he was trembling.


She approached him quietly.

"Lucas, Are you alright?"

"Pfft-hahaha" and this brat was actually holding back his laughter!!

She quickly bent down and dropped a kiss on his temples; where she hit him and teleported somewhere else swiftly.



"Hahahaha" now it was Athanasia's turn to laugh as she leisurely walked in the palace gardens waiting for Lucas to find her.

Hahaha...*sigh*....these days have been so peaceful and happy. The past five years have gone by so quickly. Lucas almost recovered all of his memories. The emperor has completely changed too. It just feels too happy and peaceful.(Aoi: huhu..poor athy, she can't even rest assured in happy times...)

I wonder how that chimera is doing...

"You're here!" Lucas teleported to where she was but saw that she was deep in thought.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

" Huh? Oh- nothing...I was just thinking about how that chimera was doing..."

"Chimera? Oh, that lump of black magic? If you're that curious then why don't we go and check it out ourselves?"

Athanasia's eyes lit up at the idea.

"Yeah! That's right!"

"Let's go then."


Both of them first erase their presence completely then turn invisible and finally teleport to the Alpheus manor.

Why was the need to do all that? Because they don't know whether that chimera remembered her previous life too or not.

The Alpheus residence.

Athanasia and Lucas both teleported to Ijekiel Alpheus' room as that was the safest place in the whole mansion.

"We're here."

"Ah..isn't this..."

"Yeah-that white pup's room."

"Remember, we hid behind the sofa from that chimera?" Athanasia asks while giggling.

"Yeah, the time you almost ripped my ears with your scream."

Athanasia pouted. "You appeared so suddenly at that time, anybody would be shocked."

"Okay okay, let's go search for that thing now."


They searched the whole mansion and found her in her room.(Aoi:...like, seriously..?)

She was sitting in front of the vanity and talking to herself...?

"2 more years to go..just 2 more years and then athanasia, I will take away uncle from you and let you taste despair again."

"Hahahahaha. You will never outshine me even in this life! No matter what, my father will sit on the throne again and crush you and your father! This time your despair will be twice as much, yes! This time you won't be killed but will first see your beloved father die and then you will be tortured to death! Hahahahaaha" she smiles ever so innocently as she recites the most brutal methods of torture she knew about.

"This life is mine too! This life is mine too! And you'll die this time too!" She cackles crazily as she repeats the line again and again.(Aoi: ah...the Alpheus effect...she's gone crazy....)

Athanasia covered her mouth with her hand to stop herself from making a sound as Lucas motioned for her to teleport back with him.

She nods and both of them teleported back to the emerald palace.

"She remembers too."

"And she's stronger."

"J-just wha-"

"Did you notice she called your father "uncle"? She knew it all along. Possibly in her previous life too."

Athanasia thought about it and found it to be the most probable explanation.

"Judging from her words,she killed the emperor in her previous life? And the former emperor is alive?!"

"Narrowing it all down, the former emperor must have needed a lot of mana to revive from the dead. Hw was dead for sure. The question is,where did he get the mana from?" Lucas pondered.


A voice sounded to him

"You're an idiot." A dauntless voice mocked him.

"Shut the fuck up." Lucas instantly got annoyed and snapped in his mind.

"It is a fact. You are an idiot." The voice still playfully continued.

"You can continue saying that if you want to get burned."

"Yeah, but first you have to travel a long way to burn me~" the voice had grown more and more fearless over the years and now even dared to taunt him.

"Oh~ so you don't want to meet her?"

"Huh? No! I want to meet her! I'll keep quiet but don't break your promise!"

This was the voice's bottom line, it would agree agree with everything lucas said if it involved 'her'.

"Back to the point. Where did he get so much mana..?"

"I really want to call you an idiot again but I'll explain it to you. Why did your mana drastically decrease?" The voice sounded again though the ridicule wasn't very well hidden.

Lucas opened his eyes wide in astonishment as he murmured

"That could be possible!!!"


Athanasia,who was also in deep though suddenly heard him murmuring and asked him,

"What's wrong? Did you find something?"

"I have a rough idea about the former emperor's resurrection."


"But the matter is complicated. For now, we'll leave it as it is."

That rat was...ugh...too troublesome.

Athanasia looked at him for a moment and spoke as she realised something.

"Ah...isn't it about time?"

"That's right."

"Then we gotta hurry!"


"Of course I'm coming as well!"

(925 words) ah..the chapter I have been longing to write is finally coming!!!

There you'll know who the voice is!
