11. First meeting.

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Another birthday without Lucas. Another melancholic day for the princess.

Today was Athanasia de Alger obelia's fourth birthday. And fate had written that this would be the turning point. Either she would remain untainted or be completely swallowed by the dark.

The first thing she did today was visit the sleeping man. A bugging feeling arose. Something was going to happen. Yet in his presence it was all nullified.

"Hey Lucas, this my fourth birthday. I came to visit you the first thing in the morning. I still wait for you to wake up. Come on. Wake up. *Pfft* how strange. You are not ill. It's not as if you're in a coma because of a disease or something. yet here I am talking to you like you are a sick patient aren't I? You'd be annoyed right? Well, I can't help it. You have to wake up. So I can tell you everything I want to ok? I won't talk to the sleeping Lucas so frequently but I keep feeling that you can listen to me. If you can, then wake up soon. There are still 3 to 4 years so... I will still keep my hopes up. The rat you mentioned had actually done his work already so I assume that's the reason for your late awakening. Sorry I was a little late in finding you. Well as a compensation I'll try to locate and take care of your rat ok? "

Just then she heard Lily calling for her.

" Oops Lily is calling so I'll go now. "

After a round of well wishes from the servants of the ruby palace,the birthday officially begun. But who knew an unexpected guest would arrive.

"B-blessings and glory upon the sun of the obelian empire!!" The guards were shocked to see the most unexpected scene in front of them but quickly called out the greetings while bowing on one knee? (Aoi: ...idk abt it anymore...)

" Rise." A word as enough to send a chill down their spines.They- the guards, the maids and especially Athanasia.

'fuck! So this was that bugging feeling I had earlier!' athanasia was shocked.

As she saw the older blonde approaching, her eyes gradually turned cold,empty,resentful yet a little hopeful.

The first time claude saw his own daughter, she was wearing an expression that he feared the most. An expression which reflected his own. Cold and emotionless.

" Athanasia."

" Blessings and glory upon the sun of the empire. What brings you here,your majesty?"

She looks up and was utterly- utterly shocked and stunned. W-what was with his expression?! Warmth?! Unconsciously her eye started to glow red again so she quickly lowered her head so as to hide it from Claude.

'Why would he would show that expression to anybody other than Jennette!?!?'

While she was stunned silly, claude took the chance to scan the palace. It was cold and desolate. The people here were worse.

He frowns. Why did he come here?


He was in the throne room with the white dog. All his ramblings were making Claude's head ache. His wariness was becoming more apparent.

The certain white dog took notice of this and cautiously asked.

" Your majesty, you may surely heard of the ward I'm taking care of. What is your opinion on her, if I may ask.?"