9. Inexplicable feelings

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It was sunny afternoon. Claude ,with his personal guard Felix was walking back to his palace after a nobles meeting.

Near the gardens, he saw blonde hair which weren't his. He stopped. His pupils constricted. He subconsciously clenched his hands into fists. He knew who she was. His heart tightened looking at her.

For some reason, he had been regaining his memories he lost due to black magic recently. It's almost been a year. Hence it could be said that the curse was weakening. He remembered her.

For the second time in his life,there was someone who could make him show extreme emotions on his face.

His daughter. these words appeared in his mind. Somehow linked to these words were emotions.
Regret,loss, loneliness. He couldn't fathom where these emotions were coming from. He assumed it may be because of what he had done these past few years. But boy he was wrong.

He watched as her figure swayed and trembled lightly as if afraid to be discovered. He wanted to approach her. But couldn't bring himself to. He contemplated for a long time before finally backing out. Yes he was backing out like a coward. He couldn't face her. He took a detour to his office without crossing paths with her. Truth to be told, he was afraid. Afraid that she would look at him with cold eyes. He paused. Huh? Cold eyes? Why did he think like that? He didn't know.

These days there were many things that were becoming increasingly inexplicable to him. How he suddenly gained his memories back, how he is feeling regret everytime he looks at her. He knew the regret he is feeling weighs far more than what he had done. In his memory, he just ignored her all these years, but the regret? It was far greater as of he had committed a great sin.

He even heard from the servants that she was a genius, a powerful magician too. But everything was self taught. He wanted to approach her,ask for her forgiveness, give her the life she deserved. But couldn't bring himself to. He was a coward. Truly.

(354 words) hello again!

Um so the last para is too OOC for Claude right? I just thought that he should regret what happened and hence added salt on his wound.

Expect the next update for reincarnated.

See ya!