14. So troublesome.

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A new day arrives and Athanasia wakes up groggily at the sunrise.

The first thing she does is go to her balcony and pray with all her might.(Aoi: .....okay?)

She just wants to be happy. Nothing more. That's all what her wish is.

After that she sits on the ground with folded legs as she starts her meditation to stabilize her mana. A few minutes and then she casts invisibility spell upon herself and goes outside for a run.

She ran all the way from the emerald palace to garnet then to the sapphire and finally towards the ruby palace passing by all the different types of flower gardens. The large empty field behind the ruby palce was her exclusive training ground.

She had created it when her mana exploded due to overload, a month ago. Thankfully the protective barrier she had casted accross the palace came in handy as no one else heard of the explosion.

She started practicing new spells she had read about. While practicing she thought back to her mana explosion incident.

The whole place got cleared up due to that. But she remained safe (not really)... She had thought it was strange since the whole place literally got destroyed! But then seeing the almost invisible red layer of mana over her blue one she understood.

This had protected her. Barely.

It was not like she wasn't injured. She sustained many injuries but her life wasn't in danger.

That day she had used all her remaining strength to heal herself  and teleporting to the entrance of the palace before fainting. The servants brought her back in a frenzy and didn't know what happened to her either. All the royal magicians were called but to no result. She remained unconscious for a week before finally waking up.

The day she woke up, she couldn't 'remember' anything. She just said she was sleeping and woke up now. Obviously that wasn't the truth, but they chose to believe her and thought someone dared to kidnap the princess but still thought something was amiss, even so upon the insistence and reasoning of the princess, they let it go. Thankfully she had teleported near the other part of the palace and nobody suspected her.

Ha. that was one hectic day.

She thought.

I don't have enough mana. I need more.

I want to be even stronger.

I will be stronger.

She thought. Her mind wandered. As if a light bulb appeared above her head, her eyes lit up.

Don't I have that beast? I can consume it! Even though I might be in a coma for a few days,or even months, that much suffering isn't comparable to two deaths at all. (Aoi: huh? Months? Athyyyyyyy!!)

Hmmm.... I'll do it.

Sorry Lily but you will have to worry so it would seem more realistic.

Even though her heart ached at the thought of Lily being so worried for her, she had to do it. She needed to grow stronger.

Now what was the need? Why did she so desperately want to grow stronger to the point where it could be called an obsession? What was the urgent problem?

She didn't know.

Maybe it was the post-trauma stress disorder, for her post-death stress disorder of her past life, where she didn't have enough mana and died with her loved ones.

Maybe it was another reason.

Either way she had to get stronger.

And well....



She clenches her fists while thinking about it and unconsciously hits a pillar of the ruby palace with her spell, causing it to nearly fall down.

Uh oh.

Gahhhh what did I do?! Quick! reversal magic!

After the pillar came back to its original condition, thanks to Athanasia's quick reflexes, she heaved a sigh of relief.

Haah. So troublesome.

Now then, the emperor may be waiting, gotta go.

Every day after her breakfast would be the tea session with the emperor.

This particular session was meant to take place in the emerald palace's huge Rose garden.

This was a 'gift' from the emperor on her birthday this year.

That and the emerald palace. She initially didn't want to accept it but didn't know what came over her that she accepted it after a lot of 'hesitation'.

She sighed again.

Haa let this troublesome period be over soon..

(760 words) hello!

Huhu poor athy, don't worry this will be over soon. After you enter into a coma because of blackie-

Pfffff- I'm f-cking fed up with this habit! Spoilers above. *Sigh*
