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Seriously? I mean alright he was gonna kill me but did he have to kill them?

I didn't even resist that much? But! He didn't have to kill them!

No! He shouldn't have killed them!

I gazed at him as my eyes unknowingly glowed a faint shade of red covering the blue crystal like ones.

Yes, it was Lucas's mana technically, but it was also a shade depicting my anger and hatred.

I stood up and thought of attacking him, much to my surprise the mana followed my will.

It took shape of my anger, a dagger to be precise and proceeded towards Claude at an astonishing speed.

My eyes widened at the sudden event.

Claude's too but that didn't take much time for him  to get back to normal and dodged it. It was truly a close one.

I didn't know why but I felt relieved. Wait...what?!

No! Athanasia! You aren't supposed to feel like this he is the man who killed your mother figure and your love!

I hate myself for being such a pathetic and weak girl!!!!!!!!!!

No! Steel up athy. You can do this.

With that I prepared to attack again, after all since I am going to get executed anyway, why not inflict the some damage to them as well? After all, these killers won't spare me anyway.

Just as it was about hit Claude he dodged again but this time it hit his shoulder. He winced out at the pain but quickly summoned a mana restraint. He leapt forward and put it on my neck!

Ack! Wha-?! It happened too fast! Noo, this bastard!!!!!!!!

I really wanted to cry but I couldn't no matter what, I won't show weakness anymore. Atleast not before dying.

Few guards dragged me to the dungeons while I put on a cold ,emotionless face with my dull, hollow,empty eyes

What did it change anyway? @b$oLut€L¥ NoThInG...

3rd pov

She sat down at the cold ground, hugging her knees and feeling utterly helpless.

Not to mention the mana restraint was practically choking her already.

The Next day arrived.

A podium was set up at the very centre of the city,for all the common folk to witness the execution. One side were two elevated, lavish chairs,while on the opposite side was a large empty space.

Needless to say those two chairs were for the so-called royalty,while the other side was for the witnesses.

Athanasia was half- pushed, half -dragged up on the stage. She looked up and saw the crowd jeering at her throwing insults....

" How could you do this to our princess?!"


"Die! You witch!."

All sorts of nasty remarks could be heard. Athanasia glanced up toward the EMPEROR AND HIS LOVELY PRINCESS. Seeing the joy in Jennette's eyes was not so hard after all.

You really don't want to hide it anymore, huh?

She looked at her father for a moment and turned away abruptly

Soon came the voice of the executioner:

"The Second princess Athanasia de Alger obelia is sentenced to death for attempting to poison First princess Jennette de Alger obelia and for attempting to attack the emperor, his majesty Claude de Alger obelia."

The crowd cheered.

"Any last words, princess Athanasia?"

Athanasia looked up to the man sitting on the throne and said,

"I regret being born as your daughter. You  pathetic man! I don't even get why my mother loved you so my why I loved you so much you do not deserve it!"

" Remember this obelians! As long as this pathetic man and his equally pathetic 'daughter' rule you, this empire will surely end in ruins!!"

"How dare you,you wench! Execute her immediately!" Claude gave his order.

And like that Athanasia de Alger obelia died.

The caring, unconditionally loving princess died.

Died by the hands of her own father.

No, I will come back! I need to! Lucas is waiting for me!


( 634 words)

Phew! Heya guys!

This is your author, Asteria or aoi- chan!! Whatever is fine by me meh..┐( ̄ヘ ̄)┌

Finally "the death", is, done!


Next will be the after math of obelia!

Don't worry we'll have our lucathy moments soon.(aoi in the future: soon, haha right.*rolls eyes*)
Personally I cannot go without  lucathy
A hard-core fan I am!(≧▽≦)

Well then see ya in the next chapter!