17. The connection.

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Athanasia sits up and looks around. She didn't know how long she had slept. A week? A month?

She looks around to confirm that Lucas was really gone.

Tears start to trickle down her beautiful face.

He doesn't remember me....he doesn't remember me!

Her cries echo through the empty room.

Why? Why do I have to face all of this? Am I so not worthy of being loved?! Am I destined to never be happy?!

She cries and cries until her cries become inaudible sobs.

Her face was covered in gloom.

Just then, the door for her room opened.

A panicking figure rushed into the room. Seeing her awake he quickly rushed forward and hugged her tight.

She was startled. Why was Claude acting so desperate? Shouldn't he....

"Thank goodness you are awake..." He hugged her tightly but was careful not to hurt his little daughter.

Seeing this subtle carefulness brought a complicated mood on Athanasia's face.

Still, her body moved not listening to her mind as she patted his back with her small hands and said.

"I told you I will wake up in a few days, though it was because someone saved me that I woke up sooner than expected."

Claude ignored the first part and focused on the someone.

Who would it be that would make his daughter utter their name so endearingly?

He hesitated for a long time before he finally asked,

"Who saved you?"

Athanasia looked up and saw Claude's hesitation clearly but still,

"The someone whose mana I have." She turns away after saying that, not because of guilt but because she was not used to someone other than those two showing concern for her, especially not his guy here.

Claude was shocked. He hadn't expected the person to be him. Of course he knew it was a guy.
Athanasia had (un)intentionally let him know.

"I see." And that was all it took for the atmosphere to go back to becoming stiff and awkward.

Athanasia looked at Claude and a new resolve formed within her.

So what if he doesn't remember me? He said we're bound by fate and I'll make sure that he falls for me again!


Unknown to her, that certain someone she was thinking about was talking to the voice.

"The fuck are you saying?! How can it be her?!" Lucas asks incredulously, talking to no one but he knew it could hear him.

"See....! It's because of this stuck up attitude of yours that I never told you... Face it. It's the reality. And if you don't bring her to me, I'll have to forcefully form a connection with her. Even if I get heaven's punishment, I'll make sure your connection is severed." The voice laced with gloom replied.

"Don't. You. Dare." Lucas growled in a low voice. The atmosphere became chilling as his eyes started to glow.

"Yep~ sure~ now,now go~ go to her~ go to your wife~" the voice instantly reverted back to its cheerful tone, although the last sentence was spoken inaudibly since it didn't want to be burned by the man.