6. Back to the start

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Athanasia opened her eyes again.

Huh... Back?

Looking around it was the same old room of hers. With the same barren and desolate look.
Athanasia was confused, sad , angry, regretful.

Why? Why?! Why am I back to this damn world again?

Couldn't I continue to live a peaceful life with my brother Hyun woo?(aoi: I didn't know it was peaceful Athanasia.... On second thought those assassins weren't much of a bother yeah?)

Does fate love to torture me so much?!

Sending me back to this hell to be killed by him again?!!?!

Turning towards the mirror she saw herself. Athanasia. A 2 year old one.

Huh? Did I skip 2 years of my life here? Does that mean.... The me in this world died? No that isn't possible...then did the me in this world willingly exchange souls?(aoi: hey hey- you're thinking too much)

What she didn't know was, this was her. But she got the memories of her past as Jihye now. She was the same Athanasia in the same world. This was what was different.


She got up. Looked around. It was midnight. It was cold. She was cold. Both the body and soul. Then she suddenly thought.

I'm 2 years old now..this means!!!- Lily! And and Lu-

Desperately she tried to call out for Lilian but her voice didn't come out and swoosh she fainted.

Athanasia's pov

It was dark and cold. I couldn't see nor hear anything. I walked aimlessly in the abyss. Just then a bright light shone with a familiar voice.

"Princess, it's time to wake up."

"You are our most precious gift ,your highness"


"It's okay.. we'll meet again"

"I...ove you"


I know who it was! Lily! Lilian york! My mother figure! And...and... Lucas! My love!

I ran towards the voices. Lily, Lucas! don't leave me! I've lost you both once already!

3rd POV

Athanasia opened her eyes for the second time. This time it was a bright morning. But the atmosphere wasn't the slightest bit happy. Why? That's because Lily was beside her bed crying while other maids were there standing, concerned looks plastered on their face.

"Lily?" Athanasia pretended to be calm and asked "what happened? Why are you crying lily?"

Lilian was shocked. She quickly hugged the princess as if she would disappear at any moment
"Princess! You're awake! You've been unconscious for a week!"

The said princess was shocked at the information that was given.

A week?

"It's ok lily. Look I'm fine."

" Princess! How could you say that? No this won't do! You have to rest." Lilian gasped.

She saw something in the princess's eyes that shouldn't be there. Sadness. Endless sadness. As if an abyss was formed. A 2 year old child shouldn't have this.(aoi: huhu...)