10. Contemplation

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Athanasia watched as Claude walked back to his office from a different path. She found it weird but still heaved a sigh of relief.

She couldn't forget how her heart was beating wildly due to nervousness. She was also sure that the red haired knight saw her. He looked.....scared. athanasia paused.

' oh shoot! I could've teleported right then and there! How could I forget?'

She facepalmed. Nonetheless she now teleported back to her palace hurriedly. She was still panting. She directly dashed into a certain sleeping beauty's room and hugged him tightly. The feeling of his sturdy heartbeats gradually calming her down.

" Thank god you're still there... I need you Lucas.when are you gonna Wake up? All day and night I'm living dreaded by the fact that he can kill me anytime. I know. I know Im strong enough to protect myself from him. But would it be of any use if you're not there with me?! Will you remember me? Forget me? I dont know I don't want to imagine what would happen. But I dare say that I will smack you on rhe head and make you remember alright?Wake up soon...I'm waiting."

She smiled between her seemingly endless tears. After a while she left the room. Right after she left , the room was filled with bright red light and the asleep man's body seemed to glow. A moment later everything was back to normal as if nothing had ever happened.

The following days passed smoothly without any change in the physical routine yet both of the royals' mental mood had changed greatly.

On one hand the younger couldn't stop worrying about her love and her heart wavered between forgiveness and hatred at the thought of the older. Meanwhile the older was still contemplating about how to restore the broken bond between him and his daughter. No matter how many solutions he came up with, he just couldn't bear to face her.

And since it was fate who binded them. It just couldn't let them be happy. After all they couldn't escape each other forever. It was inevitable and even a little helpful for them to meet. But the younger blonde thought otherwise.

And that fateful day obviously arrived.

This day was Athanasia's birthday. Her 4th birthday. Yeah. sucks to be a child. This birthday was supposed to be an uneventful and simple one..

Yet who knew that the emperor would come to the palace?!

(409 words)

Ahahaha... To the one reader who asked for longer chapters

Imsorry!!!! I just couldn't get the inspiration!