15. Consumed the mana.

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Athanasia, as she had decided, set out to find her divine beast.

After searching the whole palace,the little thing was actually found hiding under Lucas's bed.

Ha! It behaves like its master very much I guess..

She picks up the lump of mana and goes out intending to feed it until it becomes big before consuming it.

As if her intentions of consuming it were heard, the faint red mana in the room intensified until it became blinding.

Unfortunately, for Athanasia, she was already out of the room and it was daytime, so she didn't notice the huge wave of disturbance it caused.

Only Lucas's mana could escape from her radar, that was why she had a hard time finding him.


In a far, far, far, far away place, a shocked voice mixed with anticipation could be heard.

" Huh?! She found him?!

.......he hasn't woken up. Yet."

The last part of sentence ended up in a disappointed tone mixed with hope.


A few weeks later.

It was the time for Athanasia's another birthday.

The sixth birthday.

There's tentatively a year left for Lucas to wake up.

A grand celebration was going to take place in Garnett palace but Athanasia resolutely refused.

She didn't want to garner attention just yet.

The doors to the imperial palace were completely closed to outsiders due to reasons which weren't mentioned to them.

Even if there was a nobles' meeting, a separate palace outside the imperial grounds was built.

Nobody understood why the emperor did this but had no choice other than following his arrangements.

Not knowing that a few unconscious expressions of displeasure of a certain emperor's daughter caused this.

She hates noisy places,and attention too, if she wants to, she can go out. but she doesn't want to. She can invite someone she knows, but values privacy as if it was her life. I doubt she has friends of her age, which is my fault too..

The certain emperor thought smiling wryly, not knowing the existence of that someone she wanted to hide atleast till he wakes up.

And so,the princess, the forgotten princess remained forgotten.


In a certain shitty dukedom.

A mansion could be seen, at first glance it appeared as though the whole existence of the mansion was flaunting it's wealth provoking the witnessing party, but upon closer look, all you could see was....


All the walls painted white, stairs painted white, even the furniture was a gold colour stained with white, the curtains were white while the windows were gold coloured, even the beddings were white,

Fuck! even the two residents, young and old, had white hair! Even golden eyes!

This was their house, the Alpheus residence.(Aoi: note that I didn't write 'home'. It was just a house.)