7. Finally found you Lucas!

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Athanasia's pov

It's been a year since I got reincarnated. So much has changed compared to my past life. I'm 3 years old now. I've got magic now! Yeah... I started studying about magic and found out that I got a holy beast .

Oh well.. I mastered basic and intermediate spells almost perfectly. What can I say I'm a genius.
But...this genius couldn't do anything to save her life...neither my life nor my loved ones' life.

Let's not dwell on the past now. Since I can use magic now I should go look for Lucas. Who gives a damn about the other blonde haired bastard. (aoi:*cough* )


I searched almost the whole palace but I couldn't find him! Where are you Lucas?!

3rd POV

Athanasia stares at the ground, disappointed.

She clenched her fist and vows once again to find her beloved no matter what.

Days go by. Days change to months but she still couldn't find him.


Today was different though. Athanasia was planning to go out of the palace she had mastered advanced magic spells in these months by the way.

After she packed a few necessities she immediately set off after informing lily.

Lily knew. Not about her reincarnation but the fact that she was looking for something desperately. In fact it was someone.

This imperial palace was surrounded by a barrier. A magical barrier. Much like the mana restraint of her previous life. So she could only do so much with her magic. Now that she was out of the palace, she could feel it.

Her senses were drastically heightened.

Athanasia's pov

Huh? W-whats this?

I could see a transparent glass like structure in front of me with skills written on it. Much like those stat labels from the video games from earth!

Ooh! What's this! Appraisal? And enhancement? Only two of them? Oh well I'm lucky to even have them. So this could be called as cheats from reincarnation huh? Well they won't come much in use for me anyways

Let's first start with the appraisal skills. Hmm...
My power is .....huh.... huh?!

190 for physical strength?!
Let's see... It's 30 for my mana from....last life?!
50 from Lucas's mana
10 from enhancement
100 of my own mana from this life.
Hmm makes sense.

Whatever. I've gotta find Lucas first.

3rd pov

This time she didn't leave in vain.

Just outside the palace was a tower. It was the Obelian black tower. Athanasia was speechless.

Ugh...just how could I forget about this?

She quickly ran upstairs and finally... At the top floor was the familiar silhouette she was searching for. Long silky black hair, the familiar robes of the black tower. Sleeping ever so peacefully.

It was him! He was here....

Tears came gushing as she knelt beside the sleeping beauty. (Aoi: hehe)

I finally found you Lucas. Finally...

She tried to wake him up but in vain.

Still she didn't lose hope.

Now that I've found you, I'll wake you up too!

No wait. I met him at age 8 in my last life right? Then he may have woken up not too long ago. Yes, don't lose hope Athanasia he'll wake up!

(470 words) hmm...

Hello there.

This was a late update wasn't it?

But.. now that this is out. I'm working on the other one. Even though I thought out the outline, the details of the story is difficult to write!.

Aaaghhh... After so much brainstorming I came up with this!👆🙄 Though I personally am not satisfied... Huhu...

Well see ya then.

Oh! And by the way.. I'm thinking of publishing a translated Chinese story... Not mine! But I'm thinking... Should I ?