Chapter 12

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Niall stood there, leaned up against his car while lighting up a cigarette. He had promised himself even growing up that he'd never start smoking. But with the finals of school exams and the stress of everything, it just happened. Zayn was right, it did relieve stress and made you more calm whether it was causing cancer or not, Niall didn't really care. He hadn't told anybody he'd started, not even Georgia and he'd know she wouldn't be too happy. Afterall, he never liked seeing Georgia smoke. It was hypocritical, but she had so much going for herself, she didn't need to ruin her own body. He'd never think she would find out, but he was just about to be wrong about that. 

"Niall?" a voice spoke in little shock, he turned his head up to see Georgia hesitently making her way towards Niall, "Since when do you smoke?" 

"I guess since a few weeks back," Niall answered as he dropped the cigarette and put it out with his feet.

Georgia joined him against the car, "Well it's unhealthy. So you should stop that. Besides, thanks for telling me."

"Like you can talk," he joked.

"That doesn't count, you have a voice, you can sing. Now we don't want you ruining that by getting throat cancer do we?" 

Niall softly laughed, she always had a way to convince not only himself, but others out of things, "I guess you're right then." He said while turning around more towards Georgia.

 "I'm sorry." Georgia spoke out of nowhere. 

"What for?" Niall asked in confusion.

"For the way Louis and Harry acted. It was immature and I should've stepped in and said something, they can't treat you like that."

Niall smiled slightly, "It's fine.. I mean, I guess they're right. If I was Louis, I'd take you for sure." 

There was a sudden flutter of butterflies in Georgia's stomach, even after a month of being with Louis, her best friend still managed to make her blush, or fall madly in love with him again. But she covered it up with a smirk and wacked Niall, "Oh shut up you." 

"What?!" Niall laughed, "I wasn't joking!!"

Their laughter was interrupted by a clear of the throat. There in front of them both, was Harry and Ruby standing together. Ruby looked quite mad through her body language, arms crossed and intently staring at Harry. Niall stopped laughing with Georgia, "Hey." He spoke.

"Harry has something to say to you Niall, don't you?" Ruby said turning to Harry.

Harry moved a step closer to Niall, "Yeah.. I do." He took a breath in, "I'm really sorry for being a dick before.. It was just uncalled for. I hope you can forgive me." 

Niall sighed, he didn't really care, he had just finished school and he wasn't going to let the small things get to him, "Harry, it's fine. I promise. I get you were just sticking up for Louis, he's your best mate."

Niall had decided that since Georgia's lift was Louis, and Louis was off to a party, that he'd take Georgia home. Georgia seemed calm about the fact Louis was going off to a party without her, Niall just didn't understand why she wasn't freaking out. But Georgia seemed to trust Louis, a lot. But Niall had this feeling that something was going to happen, it was Louis Tomlinson, the one that just couldn't be satisfied with what he had. He wasn't going to say anything to Georgia, but Georgia would snap at Niall and say he was wrong. That was what she always did.

They had fought the other week before graduation, and Niall accidently let out, "Why don't you just leave him?" And Georgia came out with things like, "You don't get it Niall." or, "I love him, I can't do that." Somehow, Niall just knew that it was bullshit. You can't love someone like Louis, even if you tried. If you loved him, you'd have to be crazy.

"So," Georgia started, interrupting Niall's thoughts, "I'll call you later on tonight if you're not busy with your crazy Irish aunts and uncles. Thank you for the lift."

Niall smiled as he watched Georgia make her way out of the car, "No worries and thank you, even if I am busy, I'll still make time to call you. Will you be busy?" 

"Me? Busy?" Georgia let out a laugh, "I'll just be in my room crying over countless chick flicks, I highly doubt that's going to be me being busy."

Niall laughed with her, "Okay, talk to you soon."

Georgia let out a cute little smile that made Niall blush, but luckily he could hide it away, "Yeah, bye Niall." And she was gone out of his sight.

For a moment, Niall just sat back in his car and took one breath in. This was it, he thought, I'm finally growing up. 

With an unlock of the door, Georgia was finally inside her house and her first sight of it was Kaylee standing there with a bunch of flowers and a bottle of champagne, "Congratulations to graduating George, you've done it." 

Georgia smiled, Kaylee could be so demanding, but then again at one stage in her life Kaylee was all Georgia had, so she was part of why she was still standing today. "Thank you so much Kaylee, honestly, that's so sweet of you to do." Georgia said as she gave Kaylee a passionate hug.

Niall pulled into the driveway of his home, he just couldn't wait to see his mum and the rest of his family. His mum was really his rock throughout his schooling years, always believing in him when his dad was around. The same went for his brother, although he could be a pain in the ass he kind of had to be the dad in the family. 

He grabbed his keys, and his graduation cap and certificate and made his way inside his house. While he was walking through the hallway he heard a familiar older mans voice, it wasn't Gregs, unless Greg's balls had dropped in a matter of tweleve hours, in fact, it sounded like his dads voice. From when Niall was just a young little boy, he could still reconise his dads own voice. 

Niall didn't do much, but just stood there and listened to the mumbles of his own fathers voice and his mums. He couldn't believe this was happening, after all these years he just decided to walk through this famliy's door and think it was okay. 

"I think he's home." He heard his mum say to his father. And after a couple of seconds his dad came out to where Niall was standing in the hallway. "Son?" His father spoke, Niall was still standing there, as hard as a statue.

"Oh Niall, my boy! How you've grown!" He pulled Niall into an embrace, but this time Niall didn't hug him back like he was younger. Instead, he felt this wave of anger and hurt and dispair run through him. So all he did was push his dad off of him. 

Niall's dad laughed in confusion, "Don't you want to hug your old man, like old time?"

Niall's jaw clenched, and tears of anger started to fall from his face, "No. I don't." He turned around and went to grab his coat and keys from where he'd hung both of them up.

"Niall? Where are you going?" His mum suddenly asked.

"I haven't seen my own son for 16 years, the least you could was want to see me on your graduation."

Niall turned around in anger, first to his mum, "How could you? Let him in after everything he did to you." Then to his own father, "I can't look you in the fucking eyes ever since you left. How could you do this? Walk out like it was nothing, then enter as if you belong here, you don't anymore. After 16 fucking years of suffering without a father you think it's okay to just walk in here because I'm an adult now? News flash for you, ever since you walked out and I found out why you did. I have never wanted to see you again." 

And before Niall let anyone in his family protest, he made his way out the door, making sure it slammed. 

He was angry and upset that for a while he slammed his head on the wheel of his car in tears, the frustration where he could only pull his hair. He wasn't going to walk back into the house, he just couldn't face his dad. 

So that's when he started the car and took off. 

*A/N: Sooo sorry I haven't updated in ages, I've had an already crazy summer break!!! Working and Christmas! How was everyone's Christmas anyways? Hope everyone enjoyed it and got awesome stuff, I hope you enjoy this chapter and have an awesome New Year too! Leave some comments too, much love, Ruby. xx*

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