Chapter 7

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It was early, Niall knew that, but he had so much on his mind. And when he did, he'd pull out his guitar and strum along to no song in particular. But this time, it was a different story. A perfect note came out, one after another. With words as well. He found himself writing a song, and each time he sung the first lines he came up with, it'd stick in his head and wouldn't forget it. 

Niall used his guitar as a distraction. Ever since his dad had left, his mum decided it was best to have a distraction. And at first, Niall wasn't too keen on lessons. He was wanting to be outside kicking the football with friends. But as time grew, and he grew; guitar became his life. Then the singing came along easily itself. 

Everyone in Niall's family thought he had a voice of an angel and so did the boys. They'd considered getting into a little band for the town, but things got busy with school and going into senior years.

Niall didn't mind that though, he was happy having himself and his guitar.

So there he sat, in the early hours playing guitar, and singing. And as he sung, the words reminded him of one girl in particular.

"Your hand fits in mine like it's made just for me,

But bear this in mind, it was meant to be,

And I'm joining up the dots with the freckles on your cheeks,

And it all makes sense to me.."

And, that was all Niall could think of, for now that was. 

"Knock, knock?" Niall looked up to see Liam popping his head through his bedroom door and letting himself in.

"How'd you get in the house?" Niall asked curiously.

"Your mum is up, she let me in." Liam smiled as he came and sat next to him while Niall propped his guitar carefuly on the ground next to him.  

"I see you're singing and playing guitar again.. Something I should know about?"

Niall hesitated, "N-no, just throwing words around you know," He lied.

"Right, it sounds good but," Liam pulled his knees up to his chest and leant his chin on his knees, "So, did you have fun last night? I didn't see where you went off to after the situation with Jake, everything okay?" 

Niall sighed, he couldn't be bothered going through the whole night again. It wasn't something he wanted to remember after all. "Yeah.. Just a little head ache. Jake was drunk and so was I, just something that happens with us lads." 

Liam didn't really believe what Niall had said at all. He knew he was quite jealous of Georgia and Jake last night and wasn't happy with the way Jake was treating her. That was Niall for everyone though. If you didn't treat a girl right, to Niall, you weren't worth it. You either treated her like she was your world or end it. Before Niall could step in and say anything. Liam admired that  Niall cared so much. Because Liam was a caring person too. 

But it seemed to be different around Georgia. And Louis knew they'd only let Georgia into the group a little less than a week ago, but as soon as Liam saw Niall and Georgia make their way over to the rest of the group, Niall couldn't wipe his smile off across his face. And then when he started talking about her, it was like she this new fascinating toy a child had dsicovered, you know the ones you could never ever get sick of? Yeah, those types of ones. 

And then there was the party, Liam knew he wanted to go with Kaitlin, but then as soon as Georgia was seen by him. His eyes wouldn't move. 

It was strange, because he just had broken up with Eden and Liam couldn't understand why he wasn't so cut and destroyed about it. Then Liam realised, that maybe that wasn't true love. 

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