Thank You!!!!

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Like I said in the A/N before this is just a small little thank you kind of thing. I really shucking love you all so much!!!!!!!!!!! Ever since I put up 'Through The Maze' and actually got reads on it, I was inspired to write more and I just UGH YOU ALL MAKE ME SO SHUCKING HAPPY I CAN'T CONTAIN IT!!!!!!!  Everyone who has read any of my stories thank you so much!!!!! I love each and every one of you and I just can't believe it! I remember when I flipped over just 100 reads on Through The Maze and now I have over 7K, yeah some people are like 'well that's not a lot compared to blah, blah, blah and so and so's' well you know what? I don't care. It's a lot to me and every read counts! I personally thought no one was going to read my stories and honestly I didn't care. As long as at least 1 person even if they were my friends in real life or not, I was making them happy and I felt good about it. I feel like I'm babbling but WHATEVER! Anyways thank you for everyone who has read this series, I guess you can call it, and I just you guys make me so happy I barley have words to say.

Special thanks to (people who commented on Through The Maze, The Rebel and Escape) BUT NOT LIMMITED TO -





















THANK YOU ALL I LOVE EVERYONE WHO HAS EVEN JUST READ THIS FREAKING SERIES YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW HAPPY YOU MAKE MEH!!!!!!!! I think I'm scaring my mom with my mini fangirling... Oh well XD. I seriously cannot believe people actually stuck with me and read my stories. Like it's really weird, in a good way XD. I love each and every one of my readers so shucking much. So once again,

Thank you for actually sticking with me and reading my stuff because you'll never know how much I appreciate it. THANK YOU MULTIPLIED BY 1234567890987654321234567898765432345678909876543234567890987654345678909876543456789098765432345678909876545676789898765434234567890-0987654234567890987654323456789069

I love all of you with all of my heart. <3 :)

            Talk to ya later Shanks! ~Emily  

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