Chapter 13

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Let's just say, running in was the worst idea possible. Just as I ran in I bumped into the guards and fell down on my butt. Great Zoe, just great. I got up and brushed myself off. They glared at me.

"We told you to stay there!" The guard with the moustache yelled.

"Well you were taking too long!" I yelled back. "Did you find him?"

"He told us to tell you to get lost." The other guard said. My heart sank.

"You're lying. Take me and my friends to him. Now." I demanded.

"He told you to get lost." The moustache guy said.

"Does it look like I care? Show me where he is, take my friends back they can be safe." I said.

"What's in it for us?" The other guard said.

"Jorge will pay you." I said, lying. They looked at each other then back to me.

"Deal." They said.

"Wait, you have to bring me there, safely and when you get back to my friends, you are not allowed to let them in no matter how much they threaten or plead. If they try and get past you, shoot them don't hesitate. Got that?" I said.

"Crystal clear." The other guard said.

"Then let's go." I said. They turned around and started walking and I followed.

            The place was crowded with cranks laughing, talking and screaming their heads off. Most of them stopped and stared at me as we continued to walk through the ruined city but I took no notice to them. The cranks poked and stared at me but I just swatted them off and ignored them. A crank grabbed my shoulder and spun me around. I stared at the man with matted hair and blistered head; he was wearing tattered clothing that was covered in blood. I shook off his hand and he smiled a toothless smile.

"Hey cutie." He said. I turned around but he grabbed my shoulder again.

"I haven't seen you around these parts." He said. "Who are you?"

"Your worst nightmare if you touch me again." I threatened.

He laughed hysterically and I pulled out my gun and he stopped.

"Now touch me again I'll blow your infested brain out of your skull." I said and turned around. As soon as his hand touched my shoulder I whipped around and didn't hesitate. The gun aimed at his head in a blink of an eye and my finger pulled the trigger. A loud boom was echoed and his body fell down with a thud a pool of blood forming around him.

"Anyone else want to mess with me?" I called. No one moved a muscle.

"Thought so." I said and turned around. The guards were watching me but I told them to keep walking. We continued walking until we stopped at what I am assuming is or was a bowling alley. It had no doors and was worn down.

"He's in here." The guard with the moustache said. I walked past the guards and looked in. It was dark in there and was not really crowded but there were a lot of cranks. I could just barely make out his golden blonde hair in the little light that shone in the bowling alley. I looked back at the guards and thanked them. I started walking towards him. I stepped past the sleeping people in sleeping bags. I made sure not to step on anyone. I was just about to reach out and touch him when he spoke up.

"I told you guys to get lost!" He yelled. I stepped forward and wrapped my arms around his neck. He stiffened and then relaxed a bit.

"I told you to leave me be." He whispered.

"You know I couldn't do that." I whispered back. He turned around. He was holding a launcher in his hands, he looked tired and it looked like he has been fighting, which he probably has.

"You need to leave." He said looking down but his voice raised.

"And you're coming with me." I said.

"No, I belong here. When those people broke into the Berg thinking I was immune, they were pretty bloody shocked when I told them the Flare was eating my brain." He said.

"I'm sorry they took you here but I came to get you out." I said.

"Yeah and then what? I'll infect anyone who's not immune making me the killer of innocent people!" He yelled.

"You're immune you shucking slinthead!" I yelled back.

"No I'm not, you heard Rat man!" He yelled.

"He was lying! You are immune I know it." I said.

"He's not lying, I can feel it in my brain." He said a bit quieter now.

"He said I wasn't immune, yet here I am standing in a place full of cranks and not even feeling a bit different. Newt, you're paranoid." I said.

"I'm what?" He asked.

"Paranoid it's when you feel nervous or think something is happening and it's not. Newt you're immune you just don't think it because someone told you, you have the Flare and you're not immune. Remember when we were at the safe house thing after being rescued from the Maze? How rat man told everyone that they had the Flare and we all thought we felt it. We were all paranoid, and so are you." I said.

He shook his head. "I can feel it."

"Just stay here I will be right back." I said and ran out of the place. The guard with the moustache was there.

"Hey do you have a thing that will tell if someone has the Flare or is immune or something like that on you?" I ask.

"Uh yes? Why?" He asked.

"Give it to me and show me how to use it." I said. He brought it out of his holster and showed me how to use the strange device. I grabbed it and ran back to Newt. When I got back Newt was standing by a group of Cranks, all holding some sort of weapon.

"Newt, what's going on?" I asked as I got back.

"Is this the girl that's been botherin ya?" One Crank asked Newt. Newt looked over at me then looked back at the Crank and nodded. My eyes widened.

"Our friend here said to get lost, so get lost!" The crank said. Anger fled inside of me.

"Newt, listen I have this thing let me test you and show you that you are immune." I pleaded, ignoring the crank.

"He said leave him alone!" The crank yelled storming up to me. I instantly pulled out my gun and aimed for his head. He stepped back a little.

"Listen here, I've already killed one Crank today and I'm not afraid to kill more." I said. His eyes widened and he looked back to Newt.

"Newt just let me do this, if you aren't immune and you really are going crazy then I will leave you be and you won't ever see me again, but if you are immune you're coming with me and that's final. Just let me do this." I said. He looked up and nodded his head. I pushed past the guy and ran up to Newt. I did the procedure of testing him. Once I was finished I nervously watched the little screen on the device and waited. I squeezed my eyes shut. It beeped and I slowly opened my eyes. The screen lit up green and had one little word.


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