Chapter 14

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My arms wrapped around Newt instantly. I was crying tears of joy. I knew it! I knew it! I KNEW IT! Tears stained his shirt as I put my face in the crook of his neck. His arms gently wrapped around my face. I pulled away just a little and pressed my lips hard against his. Someone cleared his or her throat, cutting off our mini make out session. I turned around and saw the man from earlier and the other cranks surrounding him.

"He's a crank girlie, he belongs here." The man said.

"Yeah, no. He's coming with me." I said.

"We can't let you do that." The man said.

"Too shucking bad." I said and grabbed Newt's hand.

"Sorry, I said he's stayin." The man said.

"And I said he's going, he says he's going so you listen to me or I will splatter your brains." I said. "So will he." I nodded my head towards Newt. We started walking past them but the man held a rusty knife to my neck. I pulled out my gun and aimed it towards his head.

"I don't care if I die, you won't get past anyone else." He said. I pointed it towards his crotch and let my finger pull the trigger. He screamed out and pain and dropped the knife to hold his new wound.

"Now, anyone else want to?" I asked. Newt held up his launcher and everyone froze.

"Move out of our way, anyone wants to fight do it now." I said. One crank screamed a battle cry and jumped in front of me my bullet instantly hitting them in the chest. His limp body fell down in a pool of blood. The Cranks moved to the side and let us out. We rushed out the dingy building and the guard with the moustache was still there.

"Yeah let's go." I said and we started heading back.

            When we got back, Minho, Brenda, Thomas and Jorge were still there with the guard. Once they saw us Minho came over and squeezed me in a hug then gave Newt a bro hug. Brenda gave me a hug and Newt a pat on the back, but Thomas just stood there glaring at us.

"Why did you just go and run like that Zoe? You scared the klunk out of me! And Newt how could you just go like that?" Thomas raged.

"Slim it Thomas, I did what I had to do and you should be happy I got Newt back." I said.

"Yeah I am happy that he's back but I'm mad that you just left!" He yelled. I rolled my eyes.

"Shuck it Tommy." Newt said with an eye roll causing me to smile. Thomas pouted but did give us both a hug. He pulled back confused.

"Uh Zoe, why are you covered in blood?" Thomas asked.

"Funny story, let's just say a couple cranks have bullets in them now." I said.

"She shot one in the crotch." Newt said casually. Brenda laughed while Minho and Thomas protected their crotches. I smiled.

"Let's just get out of this hellhole." I said.

"Good that." Minho said.

            We got out of the Crank palace with no issue. Once we were outside of the gates we started heading towards the Berg but the two guards stopped us.

"We want our money." The one with the mustache said. Jorge looked at me confused. I explained to them about the deal I made.

"How much?" Jorge asked the moustache man.

"One thousand dollars." He said. "Each."

Jorge nearly choked. "What?"

"You heard us, pay up." The other guard said.

"Listen, guards we really need to get going." Thomas said. "We'll pay you back next time."

"No, she made a deal and we want our money." Moustache guard said.

"Yeah I may have lied a bit." I said. The held out their launchers and pointed it at us.

"Seriously?" I asked and grabbed my gun, which was now out of bullets. I grabbed my other one and held it to the first one's skull.

"Listen here, we don't have the money. You let us go, I let you live." I said. I hate doing this but I really want to end all this klunk.

"We can't let you leave then." The moustache guard said.

"You are going to let us leave." I said.

"Or what? If you shoot me, he'll shoot you and your friends." The other guard said. I turned to the moustache man and shot his foot then shot the other guard's foot causing them both to scream.

"RUN!" I said and we all ran to the Berg. Once we got in shots of the launchers were pounding against the Berg. Slowly the Berg lifted off the ground and we were off. My arms instantly wrapped around Newt. He wrapped his arms around me.

"You have no idea how worried I was when we were in the city." I whispered.

"I'm really sorry Zoe, so, so, so bloody sorry." He said, tears running down his face and staining my shirt.

"You're here now and that's all I need." I said.

"I love you." He whispered.

"I love you too." I whispered back.

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