Chapter 16

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The van shot forward causing me to jump back in surprise. Lawrence was driving so shucking fast and I'm pretty sure we were going to crash. I held on to Newt's hand. Lawrence slowed down a bit and I relaxed.

"Holy shuck." I mumbled.

"I'm pretty sure Tommy here just klunked his pants." Newt says jabbing a thumb over his shoulder to a pale looking Thomas. Minho on the other hand looked like he wanted to go faster.

"I'm glad that's over-" A loud thump on the roof cut Thomas off.

"What was that?" I asked, another loud thumb.

"I think someone's on the roof!" Brenda cried.

"HOLD ON!" Lawrence said and the van shot forward yet again. My heart was pounding against my chest, hard. I looked back and saw Thomas almost screaming at the face that was outside the window. The crank smiled.

"What is she holding on to?" Thomas asked.

"Don't worry, she won't be holding on to anything for long." Lawrence said and sped up the car, if that's even possible. I looked forward and closed my eyes. I do not like this at all. I leaned my head on Newt's shoulder. The woman finally flew off after five minutes and Lawrence finally slowed down.

"Is it over?" I asked, not wanting to open my eyes.

"Yes. For now." Lawrence responded. I opened my eyes and sighed.

"God I hate this." I said.

"Then sleep, I'll wake you if anything happens or we get there, whatever comes first." Newt said. I smiled at him.

"Ok, night." I said and kissed his cheek then rested my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes.

            My eyes fluttered open and I sat up straight. Newt was sitting next to me, unbuckled and the car was parked.

"Time to go, I was just about to wake you." He says. I nod my head and he gets out then I follow. When I get out I take a long look at the van and almost died there. It was all-beat up; some of the back windows were shattered and gone.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Cranks." Thomas said. "Let's go."

"Ok." I said and took Newt's hand. We followed Lawrence past a couple guards. I held on to Newt. Lawrence exchanged some words with one of the guards and then he led us to a flight of stairs. We all went up them in silence; there were actually two flights of stairs. When we got to the top we walked down a hallway and then through a wooden door. In the room was a table with plastic chairs sat around it. Two people occupied the chairs. I smiled as I recognized Gally right away. The other person was a man, fat and old. Gally got up and instantly came to me. I let go of Newt and wrapped my arms around Gally. Gally wrapped his arms around me and gave me a giant hug.

"Glad you're safe." He whispered.

"I'm glad you're safe." I said then let him go. Newt wrapped an arm around my waist immediately and I rolled my eyes.

"Glad to see ya Newt." Gally said.

"Yeah, yeah." Newt said. Gally walked back over and gestured to the man.

"This is Vince, the boss." He said.

"What do you lot want?" Vince asked.

"Why the hell did you capture us?" I blurted out. Vince looked over at me.

"Well, well isn't it the famous Zoe." He said.

"What?" I asked.

"Everyone knows who you are, don't act surprised." Vince said.

"I'm not acting, what the hell are you talking about?" I asked.

"You're Zoe correct?" He asked.

"Yeah..." I said.

"Your aunt is the chancellor, Ava Paige." He said.

"Excuse me?" I gasped.

"Yeah, after your mother died, she took you in and you were a daughter to her." Vince said.

"Who exactly is this Ava Paige person? What makes me so special?" I asked.

"Ava Paige is the chancellor and you were her pride and joy." Vince said. "Everyone knew you. You were always with her, and a lot of people tried to take you away from her and well yeah." Vince said. My head was swimming in thoughts and questions.

"Whoa, Zoe are you ok?" Newt asked, catching my falling body. I shook my head as he sat me in a chair. Thomas came over.

"You talk to the man." Newt said and Thomas nodded and they started having their own conversation.

"Zoe, are you ok? What's wrong?" Newt asked. My mind was becoming numb from all the thinking. Ava Paige. She sounds so familiar. The edges of my vision started going black and Newt's words were being distorted.

"Zoe." Was the last thing I heard. 

            Zoe sits in an empty room waiting. Waiting for something, she doesn't know what but she knows it's not good. Finally her Aunt Paige came in the room, shutting the door behind her. Zoe's heart pounded against her chest.

"Zoe, I have some good and bad news." Her Aunt Paige said. Zoe nodded her head.

"Good news, the trials have been a success." Ava Paige says with a smile.

"I know." Zoe says. "It's been a success for almost three years now."

"Two in a half actually." Ava Paige says.

"Yes." Zoe says.

"Now for the bad news." Ava Paige sighed. "You're going in the maze."

"What?" Zoe said jumping up, inside she was ecstatic; she would get to see Newt again not on a screen but in person.

"Yes, I am so sorry Zoe but it has to be done." Ava Paige sighed.

"No, I'm happy." Zoe smiled.

"You are? Why?" Ava Paige asked.

"I'll get to see..." Zoe drifted off, her aunt does not know about her relationship with Newt. "Chuck, again." Zoe lied. Chuck was one of her favorite of the gladers.

"Zoe, you won't remember anything. You're going to have the swipe." Ava Paige said. Zoe's heart crashed.

She wouldn't remember Newt.



One more thing, this story is going to be kind of short maybe 20 chapters maybe more I don't know but I am going to try my best and have it at least 20 chapters. Sorry. I love you all!

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            Talk to ya later Shanks! ~Emily

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