Chapter 15

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It didn't take long to get back to the city. Jorge suggested that we rest up before going back in there so now three days later we sit in the loft like area just sitting around. I haven't let Newt out of my sight pretty much. I was not going to loose him and I determined that. If he dies, I die too.

"What are we going to do when we get back into the city?" Thomas asked.

"We're going to go see Gally." Minho said. Newt gave me a –what the shuck is he talking about- look.

"Gally's alive, long story short he escaped WICKED and is now fighting against them in a group called the Right Arm." I whispered. He nodded his head. He's gotten a lot better since we got him out of the Crank Palace.

"So we are just going to go get Gally to show us the boss?" I asked.

"Well yes, but no we're going to have to do demand something's probably threaten some people." Minho said.

"Good that." I said. We all got up and went our separate ways. I took a shower, leaving Newt to wait of course, and then got changed into cargo pants, a black tank top and combat boots. I hid my knives and weapons in the pockets and other places in my outfit. After everyone was finished we ate a warm meal and got ready to go into the city. We all stood in front of the ramp while Jorge lowered it. Almost immediately we saw three people standing there. I already had my gun out and aiming. They all wore metallic masks and two of them; men had pistols gripped in their hands while the only woman had a launcher. The ramp completely opened up.

"What is this?" Jorge asked.

"Shut your mouth munie." The lady said. "You're all coming with us, try anything and you're gonna regret it." She said holding up her launcher.

Jorge laughed. "You fire that thing, I'm pretty sure the girl over here will put a bullet in between your eyes before you could blink." He said pointing to me, and it was true I was not in a good mood already.

"And it's six against three, you might get one of us but we could easily whoop the klunk out of you." Minho said.

"We've got nothing to loose, so shoot us I bet you that we can take two of you before anyone takes a step." One of the men said. I shrugged and shot the two men in the knee. They screamed out in pain and fell to the ground. The lady held her launcher at me.

"Ok, now that we got that settled I wouldn't try to shucking threat us. I am not playing around today so you threaten us again I'll blow your brains out." I said. Everyone else was looking at me like I was crazy, which I probably was I just shot three innocent, well sort of innocent, people. God what was happening to me?

"We're going to be going now." I said and walked down the ramp. Everyone else followed. None of the guards tried to stop us and I was happy for that. We just turned the corner to go to the gates when I was knocked out.

            My eyes opened, well I think they opened everything was pitch black. My heart started to panic. Was I back in the box? No, I wouldn't have my memory unless. I shook my head. My wrists were tied behind my back. Now I was panicking. Where am I? Where are my friends?

"Newt?" I called out but my voice came out only in a whisper.

"Newt?" I called out again this time my voice was louder.

"Zoe?" A familiar voice called back.


"Brenda! Where are we?" I asked.

"I don't know we're all in a huge room. Here let me take that off." She said and suddenly something was ripped off my head and light blinded me. I looked around and saw we were in fact in a huge roomed filled with people sleeping. I couldn't see Newt, Thomas or Minho.

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