Their First Thoughts on You

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Anakin: This is literally the last thing I want to be doing today. The Chancellor is such Who's that? She is really beautiful. Stars, she's the chancellors assistant. Sorry, Master. Gotta take this one over myself!

Obi-Wan: Find this skulker, get back to the council, protect the girl-Oh! No no, protect this girl. Her skin is so that's weird. Be cool. Be cool! Say something suave!

Qui-Gon: Where are they? Always late. Why is that woman so attached to that screen? She just nearly missed a senator. And another. Stars above, time to take this into my own hands. Literally. Wow she has beautiful eyes. Time to play with her a bit.

Luke: Leia's friend looks really overwhelmed. Maybe it'd be okay if I hugged her? No that's weird. Well maybe...

Han: Who in the galaxy is in my seat?! Oh. She's cute. Might as well make the most of this opportunity.

Finn: She's going to report us. She's going to help us? What? I barely recognize her. Shouldn't I know her?

Poe: New mechanic, new mechanic...There they are! Oh wow. This is not what I was expecting.

Kylo: It can't be.

Armitage: I should have her terminated. Well, maybe not yet...

Din: Who is that? She's too...innocent to be a hunter...she's...cute? (Does not compute in his poor head.)

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