Armitage Hux: The First Fight Extended Part 2

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He might have been inclined to feel a bad about assigning you such a tormenting task.

But seeing you daily was the small silver lining in his life.

Though most of the time you were angry and agitated.

The glares alone left him happy you weren't one with The Force.

He sat behind his large desk and would watch you for hours.

He knew it was indecent. To blatantly stare and think such damning thoughts.

To remember how you tasted and felt.

His jaw clenched tight.

You, on the other hand, spent hours imagining that kriffing idiot's death.

Sometimes it was slow. Sometimes it was quick. Sometimes it was animalistic. Sometimes it was emotional.

But nine times out of ten, you'd still go through with it.

His staring was the main ammunition.

He would just stare at you the entire time you worked.

Like adding some kind of silent torture to this sick game.

Sometimes you'd stare back, imagining you could stab your data pad pen into his eye sockets.

The smiles that came with those thoughts normally unsettled the general.

And so it went, hours and hours of searching, organizing, triple checking, losing your sanity one tiny bit of data at a time.

All thanks to the still damningly handsome general who sat looking like a stone statue.


You had finally done it.

You had lost your ever loving mind.

The lack of sleep you were not getting had taken it's toll and now, you were going to die.

You had been heading to Hux's office to continue working after your singular hour of sleep when you had run smack dab into Kylo Ren.

Normally you'd have scurried away or just given him the largest birth you possibly could.

But in your deprived state, you had ran headlong into him and spat curses instead of having any sense at all.

When it finally rang true who you had just cursed out, you gasped.

The huge man towered over you, panting like a caged beast.

Fear filled your veins. Your hands immediately began shaking.

You were going to die.

Right now.

With that damn lightsaber or being strangled to death.

What a day.

"You...insolent..." He hissed through his mask.

That thing alone was unnerving.

He raised his hand slowly, shaking a bit himself with anger.

"Ren, Snoke is summoning you. Leave the vermin where they are for now." A curt voice cut in.

Death personified growled and stomped away.

You gasped and fell to your knees. Completely terrified.

Someone caught your arm and pulled you up. Quickly ushering you to a private room.

"Are you alright?" It was the curt voice from before.

You slowly looked up, still stricken.

Those eyes. Why are they familiar?


You blinked and swallowed.

"H-hux?" You said weakly.

"Are you alright? Tell me. Did he hurt you?" You looked you over quickly.

"N-no." You swallowed again.

"Y/n, what we're you thinking? He was going to kill you. Right there."

His blue eyes were angry, nostrils flared.

" got him to leave?"

"I'll pay that price later." He stood stiffly, looking around awkwardly.

You hugged yourself and let a strangled sob escape.

The realization of how impressively pathetic your life was hit you square in the chest.

He came back down to you. "What is it?" He gently touched your cheek. "Tell me where it hurts?"

You shoved him back. A look passed his face.

"This is all your fault!" You screamed at him.

"All of this! I had been blissfully unaware I wasn't missing a damn thing before you!"

You stood and got right into his face, using your finger to punctuate your words.

"Then you...and showed me that there was more to feel and have...I wasn't alone and then everything got so messed up! Damnit, Armitage! I'm in love with you and all you want is power! What I'm damned universe am I supposed to do?!"

You hysterics had stunned him.

As well as your admission.

You loved him.

How could you, someone so good, someone so human in the best possible way, love someone line him.

"You love me?" He said quietly.

"What?" You practically shrieked.

"You love me." A small smile formed on his lips and his eyes regained their focus.

He surged forward suddenly. Grasping your face in his hands and kissing you fiercely.

He pushed every bit of emotion into his kiss. Every bit of disappointment, pride, anger, vulnerability, hatred but most importantly love.

He loved you.

He kissed you again and again. Pulling you closer and finding you wrapping yourself around him as if it was the most natural thing.

You loved him.

"You love me." He said almost breathlessly.

"You nearly got me killed, Armitage." You chastised half heartedly.

"Like I said, I'll pay for saving you later. For now, just let me have you...Please?"

His eyes looked at you so earnestly, you knew he was asking for much more. You felt it to your very core.

Armitage Hux loved you.

He may never admit it, you knew it.

And that was enough.

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