Dating Him Would Include

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Anakin: him always wanting to touch you, pet names, heated looks across the room, dodging people you know, hating you can't be together publicly, making up for it in private

Obi-Wan: gentle caresses, finally being able to hold him once he's back from missions, sweet kisses, sassy comebacks that make you shake your head, random cockiness coming from him

Qui-Gon: constant teasing, passionate lovemaking, playing with his hair, eating together often

Luke: cuddling up together for hours, looking at each other with so much pride, hand holding, stargazing

Han: gambling together, running from people trying to kill Han, drinking together, sarcastic comments all the time

Finn: adventuring on your down time around the planet, reading together, sweet and slow make out sessions that get amped up

Poe: passionate makeouts while hiding out in whatever ship is closest, holding hands under the table, talking into the late hours of the night about your past

Kylo: telling him about earth, him picking you up to get you to wrap around him, him wanting to kiss you all the time, training together

Hux: making the other feel things they hadn't in a long time, secret meetings, wanting to tell the other you loved them, long glances at each other

Din: trying to make him laugh since it was your favorite sound, taking care of the kid together, working together to get bounties, wondering what it would feel like to kiss each other

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