Anakin Skywalker- Trouble

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You had a job to do.

It was important and needed to be done.

But kriff! If those force forsaken interns didn't leave you alone to do it, you'd be out of a job faster than you could say phaser.

You tapped out explicit instructions from the Senator to all the little underlings that you had to manage, daily. Maybe hourly.

They were always flocking in, bothering you about this or that. It drove you insane. You'd broken more than one data pen dealing with them.

Three younger ones had just stayed for an hour trying to bend your ear about their ideas on co-habitation on Delusi- II. Like you kriffing cared. You knew the Senator wouldn't.

You heard the hushed swishing of the main office doors. You were going to stab someone with the data pen today it seemed.

Orrrrrr not.

In walked one of the most handsome men you had ever seen. Talk, shaggy light brown hair and the most piercing eyes.

It took you a few moments of staring at each other for the few brain cells you had to kick on.

"Uhm, yes? Can I help you?"

He stared at you for a moment or two more, then finally spoke. "Yes. We have an appointment with the Senator, he should be expecting us."

You blinked, only catching 'Us'. You looked around him to see another man, much more refined looking, speaking into a data pad.

Your cheeked reddened a little at the complete oversight. You had been wondering what it would feel like for his large hands to gently caress your face. Warm, soothing.

You looked back to the younger man and caught him smirking.

Could he read your mind with the not quite safe for work fantasies? Kriff!

"Uh, and you are?"

He gave you a naughty grin, "Anakin Skywalk, Jedi Knight. This is Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jedi Master of the Jedi Council." He nodded back to the other man, who's eyes looked entirely pissed off at the younger man.

Your eyes slowly trailed from one man to the next then to your list of appointments.

Yep, he was correct. But the Senator's last appointment still hadn't finished and that meant the dangerously handsome man and his master were going to be hanging around longer.

"Right. I'm afraid The Senator's last meeting has exceeded its initial time slot. If you would be so kind as to wait or I can reschedule you." You tilted your head waiting for an answer.

He smiled at you, never dropping eye contact. "We'd be glad to wait." You heard a huff behind him.

Anakin gave you a wink and left to stand beside Obi-Wan, the latter began a hushed conversation with lots of glaring.

Finally, after what seemed like an hour of little glances and smirks from Anakin and plenty of eye rolls from Obi-Wan, the foreign aliens from some planet or another left and the Senator received the two Jedi.

The day bled on and the two jedi left in a rush, a small wink you didn't miss from Anakin set your heart a flutter. You were glad their business was done. You didn't need the trouble.

But, as it always seems to be, trouble followed you.

The next week between day dreaming about him or the pair actually showing up, your mind and heart were a mess.

The last time they had showed up with a few other members of the Jedi Council. Anakin had even managed to sneak out for a bit, hanging around close to your desk. Eyes always watching what you were doing.

"Can I help you?" You said in a bratty voice, even to your own ears.

A big goofy grin lit up his face. "You speak! I was beginning to wonder if you were a hologram or perhaps a clone." He leaned down onto the desk.

You groaned inwardly. Jealous of a desk, that's mature.

"I can speak, type and program with the best droids, so what is it that I can help you with, Jedi?"

He leaned in closer, "I'm going to get you to like me." He whispered, the breath just barely moving the hair that framed your face.

You sat there with your mouth open to a perfect 'o'. Shocked, turns out, was an understatement.

He smirked again, as he always did, and went to rejoin the other Jedi.

You let out a long groan and buried your face in your hands. Stars, if he only knew how much you did like him.

"Grow. Up!" You grumbled to yourself while pinching your cheeks. You needed a reality check. You left crushes behind along with prepubescence.

You hadn't dated much growing up, schooling and taking care of your family obligations were the center of your world.

Now, with all of that gone, you still kept a rigid schedule and allowed yourself very few pleasures in life. Anakin Skywalker should be persona non grata.

He was trouble. And you knew it.

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