Finding You in a Compromising Position: Finn

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You had been working tirelessly for the last week, completely immersed and barely coming up for air.

You hadn't seen Finn for more than a brief moment here and there.

To put it lightly, Finn was put out.

Poe would try to joke with him about you being married to your job, Finn could barely muster a smile at his wise cracks.

Now Finn wasn't overbearing, possessive, or anything else even slightly negative- but as the one thing in his life that brought light to his world, the man missed you.

He sighed heavily, casting one last look around the base for you, and decided to head to his room to pout there. He laid down in the dark, worries about your well-being, slowly falling into unconsciousness.

Your life has consisted of screens for far too long. You wanted to collapse on your cot in the dark and sleep for a millennia.

You grabbed your bag, turned the screens off and left the project where it was at for a few hours of precious shut eye.

What you had been working in was exceedingly important and needed to be kept secret.

You mind raced with all the information you had collected, organized and continued to try to piece together. You saw someone turn a corner and your heart hammered in your chest. Finn?

You ran around the corner and saw another officer you vaguely remembered. You sighed and continued on down the halls that all seemed to look the same.

You hadn't seen Finn is days. You missed him. His warm touch, gentle and supportive. He was endlessly lovely and had wound his way into your heart. You had never felt this way about anyone or anything else.

You mindlessly tapped your code into your door, hearing a beeping refusal, you sighed and slammed your fist down on the key pad, you heard an affirmative beep and the door slid open.

You sighed heavier and threw your bag into the chair as you did every night, just to hear it hit the floor. Of course. That's a problem for tomorrow you.

You shucked all your clothes and made your way to your bed. You could brush your teeth tomorrow. Had you even eaten dinner? Oh well. Another problem for tomorrow you.

You stood at the end of your bed and found your arms out, prepared to starfish as soon as you hit the bed.

As soon as you hit the mattress, something rang as peculiar in your head. Had you left some gear on your bed before leaving this morning? Why was it so hard and lumpy? In your daze, you had missed the very audible 'humph!' from beneath you.

Something moved beneath you. Your slow moving brain barely registered it until two vices came around your waist and pulled your softness even closer to the hardness beneath you. A quick scream came from your lips.

"What in the universe?" Came cursing from beneath you.



You heard and felt him fumbling, a light soon gave a very insightful view into what exactly was happening.

You were laid nearly naked on top of a nearly naked Finn. In Finn's bed. Your cheeks immediately went bright red.

"Oh my stars! I'm so sorry Finn! I don't even...I thought this was my room!" You hurriedly got up and launched for the door, only to feel him grasp your wrist quickly and pull you back to him before you reached half way to your destination.

"Y/n, it's alright." He stood close, not enough to keep the chill from your skin, but enough to give you peace of mind. His hands rubbed up and down your arms as he looked you over, still worried about you.

"I thought I saw you, in the hall ... and it was Petrus, but I must not have been thinking well...also, I think I broke your key pad..."

The corner of his lips quirked up, amused with your tired rambling. "Love, it's alright."

You looked up into his face, a small smile coming to your lips. You fell into his arms and were thrilled when they surrounded you in an embrace.

"Can we lay back down? I just want you close." You spoke from his chest, slightly muffed. "Please."

His heart clenched at your 'please'.

"Of course, love. Let's go." He kissed the top of your head and steered you back to his bed.

You clambered in and waited for him to get under the covers too before you wrapped around him, feeling his warmth.

"Sweet dreams, my love."

You heard him but fell into unconsciousness soon after, with a sigh and a smile.

Finn tucked you into his side and felt complete for the first time in days. He fell asleep with a contented smile.

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