Finding You in a Compromising Position: Poe Dameron

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Poe and you had a friendly rivalry.

You thought he was gorgeous, sweet and every other nicety you could think of, but the little punk always had to make everything a challenge. Or a race.


Two days ago, he had bet you he could win a race around the base, and had won. You were still feeling sore about it today.

You knew he liked you, you'd taken a trip or two in his ship and he always found you at meal times to flirt and breeze out of the room.

You just weren't sure how serious he was. Your doubts rang way too loudly in your head.

You had been thinking about it on repeat for the past few days, on top of losing to him with the added bonus of most of the other mechs and pilots seeing it, your head felt like it wasn't screwed on right.

You grabbed a wrench and tried tightening a bolt, only to find that you stripped the damn thing. You blew out an angry breath and threw the wrench down into your tool tray.

You were over it.

"Sheesh, what'd that wrench do to you, Princess?" You grit your teeth and felt your stomach flutter at the same moment.

"Not now, Dameron."

You slammed a compartment door shut and found him leaning on the ship's side panel.

"Care to move?" He flashed you a smirk.

"You still mad at me for winning? I mean, it wasn't exactly fair seeing as I know the terrain better than you." His cockiness made your want to kiss the stuffing out of him to get him to finally shut up.

"Dameron, move or I'll make you move."

"Last name twice. I really am in the doghouse, huh?"

You narrowed your eyes at him. "I'm over your cocky attitude today and probably for the near future. Get. Out. Of. My. Way."

Poe stared at you for a few moments. "As you wish, Princess." He pushed off from the panel and began walking away, glancing back at you before he left the hangar completely.

You growled out loud. Angry at yourself for being such a jerk to Poe and how easily he flustered you.

You opened the last panel you needed to work on before your day was over and chewed yourself out mentally.

You decided to apologize to Poe the next time you saw him, regardless of what groupies were hanging around him.

A few hours later, you only needed to reach the final connector in the ship that had gotten fried in the latest First Order skirmish you needed to climb into a duct that went underneath the ship.

You wiggled your way in and got to work. Waist down was still sticking out, making you feel a bit less edgy, small spaces never felt comfortable for you.

You heard some noise outside and blew it off for another mech finishing their day. Little did you know, it was actually Poe.

Poe had decided that maybe pushing your buttons continuously was in fact, not working. He tries to be smooth with you and somehow always ended up flustered, tried too hard. Somehow pissed you off.

His win the other day had, in fact, been pure luck. You had skidded around a muddy curve and lost traction. Giving him a lead he probably would never have had otherwise.

He paced around the halls for awhile, speaking with friends and coworkers, thinking the entire time how he could show you how much he cared about you. How he was just trying to impress you. How he just wanted to hold your hand.

He finally had a long talk with BB, who had said you liked flowers whenever they would take a walk around the base. Giving him the idea to leave you a small token of his affection.

The setting sun put a small damper on his endeavors but he had found some beautiful white flowers BB said you always stopped and smelled.

He picked a bunch and wrapped it in some old maps he had laying around and carried them off towards the hangar.

He had been stopped in the hall by Leia who didn't even ask who they were for, just winked at him after asking a few work related questions.

He made it to your workspace in no time but didn't see you anywhere. Had he missed you? Would you be in your quarters? He sighed heavily and put the flowers down hard on a raised tool tray near the ship you were working on.

He caught sight of some movement out of the corner of his eye and blinked a few times to make sense of what he was actually seeing.

Feet wiggled, kicked and shook in some weird dance, sticking out from under a ship. He went closer to see it was actually your lower half sticking out at an odd angle.


"Poe?!" Came a frantic answer, immediately setting his heart rate off.

"Y/n, what're you doing in there?"

"Poe...I'm stuck."

Poe immediately started laughing. No way. "You're joking, Princess. And what's this Poe stuff, thought you were mad at me?"

He heard a loud huff and a deep breath. "Poe, seriously. I'm stuck."



"Okay, okay. Uh..." He came closer and looked into the hole your torso took up. It looked like you had turned to reach something and where you should have stayed vertical, were now horizontal.

"Damn, okay. We gotta get you turned, then we can pull you out."

"Poe, it might be beneficial for me to tell you I'm claustrophobic."

"You're-youre what?"

"Claustrophobic." You said in a tense voice. "I hate small spaces. I hate not being able to get out of those small spaces." You quieted for a moment and in a frantic quiet voice, "Poe, Poe I'm starting to freak out. Help me...please help me, Poe."

His heart clenched. "Yeah, sweetheart. I'm going to get you outta here. Right now. You'll get to see my ugly mug in just a second."

He took your hips into his large warm hands and braced his shoulder against the ship to get you into the right position. With some effort and a heavy grunt, he finally got you righted and helped pull you out.

You immediately clung to him, burying your head in his chest. He wrapped you up and put his chin on you head, rubbing your back comfortingly.

"You don't have an ugly mug."

"What was that, sweetheart?"

"You don't have an ugly mug, Poe." You pulled back and looked up into his dark eyes.

Something inside him decided now would be a great time to kiss you. Something inside you decided the same thing.

His lips were warm and completely intoxicating. He couldn't believe how soft and sweet your lips were.

The kiss could have lasted hours for all you both knew. When you both came up for air, you noticed your favorite flowers from your home planet sitting on your tool tray.

"Were these from you, Dameron?"

He grinned and nodded, looking down. "Thought I could do something sweet for you. Seeing as I've been kind of an ass lately."

You stepped closer and put a hand under his chin, causing him to look back into your eyes. You smiled at him again. "You're full of surprises." You pressed your lips to his again.

He had thought the exact same of you.

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