When He Gets a Bit Flirty

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Anakin: Anakin starts off with a lot of eye contact and smirks. Once he's said a few things to get you blushing, his hands will always be touching you from that point on. He always gets more bold as time wears on. Eventually you're breathlessly kissing and unaware of the world around you. Just the passionate make out session with your Jedi.

Obi-Wan: He likes making you laugh and lose track of everything else in the room but each other. Once in your little bubble, he moves closer to you, leg pressing against yours and will whisper entire conversations in your ear. He makes it feel like his smile is only for you.

Qui-Gon: He will run his hand over your back, just barely touching it when he's flirting. He'll say something to get a reaction from you, instantly grinning when it inevitably works. You'll smack him and that hand will press down more meaningfully, pulling you closer. He'll just look at you for a moment, thoughtfully. You know that the simple smile on his face is hiding the incredibly naughty thoughts of this ridiculous Jedi.

Luke: Luke is a blusher. He'll be smiling this dopey, adorable smile while talking to you with bright red running up his neck. You barely notice but Han never fails to miss it and pick on him.

Han: Han will put his arm around your shoulders and always talk towards you, even if that means ignoring other people who were just talking to him. He'll always whisper something inappropriate in your ear, too. Cheeky devil.

Finn: Finn likes to be close to you. When he starts flirting with you, he'll find a way to touch you in a casual way. A hand on your back, thigh, shoulder. As time wears on it'll move somewhere less friendly. He'll have his hand wrapped around the back of your neck, gently rubbing his thumb against it, eyes never leaving yours.

Poe: Poe is mister touchy feely. When he's in the same room as you, he is touching you in some way. The only indicator that he's flirting with you is his right eyebrow quirking up, like he's taking in a challenge. He will banter with you until it's the end of the day, then he finally reaps the glorious rewards of getting you riled up.

Kylo: Speaking of challenges, Kylo basically uses them to flirt with you. Banter-challenge. Saberplay-challenge. Tactical Manuevers-challenge. He wants so badly to win and impress you but only manages to piss you off. Well...he thinks. In fact, you're always watching him and completely charmed. He's blunt, sometimes violent but the school grade way he flirts just works for you. Let's see if you stop letting him win has better rewards, hm?

Hux: Hux is a man of few words. Always. He rarely smiles, laughs or shows anything even remotely close to happiness. So you know he's flirting with you when he shows you what he considers his vulnerable side. A little joke. Held eye contact loaded with wanting. A little story about his past. He lets you in, which is more than he can say about anyone else.

Din: Din is up for a joke. He has this stoic demeanor most times but he trusts you. So he jokes with you. Once he starts, it's hard for him to stop since your laugh is addicting to him. He just wants to hear you laugh.

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