First I Love Yous - Part One

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The first time Anakin told you he loved you was during a heated make out session.

He had found you in the archives and pulled you into a dark corner.

Hands on your face and kissing you like the universe was ending he panted out, "I love you, y/n."

It caught you so off guard you completely froze, mouth partially open.


He just smirked at your wide eyes and began kissing you again. Repeating it over and over.

"I love you, y/n. I love you."


The first time this Jedi told you he loved you was during one of your few arguments.

He had been gone for months and came back looking worse for wear.

You had been pissed at not hearing from him whatsoever and then finding him inside your house after returning home from work one day set you off.

"I don't know who you think you are, Obi-Wan Kenobi! You can't flounce in whenever you damn well please and act like time hasn't even moved!"

Obi, trying to remain levelheaded, started in on The Code and the importance of his role.

You just sighed loudly and went into full brat mode. You had had enough.

Eventually, you both were speaking loudly and trying to get the other to see how right you were.

"-Because I love you, y/n!"

You stopped talking immediately.

"What did you say?"

The Jedi sighed and spoke softly.

"I love you. It goes against the code but...but I can't help it. I love you. With everything I am."

You stared at him for a long minute, tears shimmering in the corner of your eyes.

"I love you, too Obi." You whispered.

Your eyes met and like a magnetic force you were pulled together in an intimate embrace. The night stretched out long and eventually, at least for now, you forgot why you had been fighting.

Qui Gon:

This little shit got you to admit it first.

He had found you at your office, working away on another political agenda that was completely off putting.

"Little one, busy?" He gestured to the files thrown all over the room. Data pads everywhere.

"Qui, I'm far to busy to be annoyed by you today. The Senate are meeting in a week and I have to have this shored up before the Senator leaves for vacation prior to it..." You grumbled the last part.

"Ah, I see the government is still well oiled by those without the power." He sat down across from you, well more like flopped, and put his hand to his chin, looking at you thoughtfully.

"I'm serious."

"I'm Qui-Gon Jinn, nice to meet you." He held out his hand.

You let out a loud groan.

He stood up quickly and came around the table, pushing you down into your chair.

You groaned again, but out of delight when he began rubbing your shoulders in his large warm hands.

"God, I love you." You basically moaned, eyes closed and just enjoying the tiniest bit of comfort from this persistent Jedi.

"You love me?"

Your eyes flung open. "I mean I love...your hands. The massage. That...that was very nice." You sat up stiff as a board and went to reach for another data pad.

He pulled you back down to your chair slowly.

"You said you loved me." He said in a quiet, but amused voice.

You felt like you were going to cry. "I know I can't..." You felt the tears prickle the corner of your eyes.

He leaned down and wrapped his arms around your chest from behind, mouth right beside your ear.

"I love you, too y/n." His warm breath tickled the hair by your ear.

You felt like your heart stood still in your chest.

"You do?"

"Since the moment I laid eyes on you and your data pad, little one."

You blinked back tears furiously.

He slowly began kissing your shoulder, moving slowly up your neck, to behind your ear, a quick nip there and a chaste kiss on your cheek.

Your eyes flew open and you turned to him, having been leaning closer and closer as he had made his way towards your lips.

You had involuntarily wanted a real kiss from him.

Your mouth stood open with a small look of shock at his chaste kiss. "Qui-"

He pulled you to him, hands on your face and kissed you more passionately that you had ever end read in one of your books.

"I do, little one."


He's such a cinnamon bun.

You'd been having a rough week, it seemed like everyone was fighting amongst themselves, so you found a corner of the falcon to just keep to yourself.

Other than Chewie, you didn't want much to do with anyone. Even Luke was being snappish. Which made sense, all the pressure he was under.

You felt it was best to leave him alone too.

So you sat, a blanket pulled up around yourself.

You know you looked a terrible sight. The picture definition of melancholy.

Apparently, Luke had felt the same way. But he had hoped you would be there to possibly comfort him.

He knew it wasn't the nicest thing to do, hope someone else could make you feel better, but he wanted your arms around him.


He had searched high and low, his mood beginning to grow darker. Where the Kriff had you gone?

Finally, he threw himself down on a couch and heard a muffled groan as he did.

He shot up with wide eyes. "Y/n!"

You gave a cough and a feeble smile. "Hey Jedi." You sat back up and recovered yourself in the warm blanket. You gestured for him to get into your cocoon too.

He couldn't hold himself back another second.

He shot in there and immediately pulled you to him.

He gave a little laugh, "I saw you stalking around the ship, looking for something?"

"I love you."

Your eyes went wide, " what? I thought you were looking for some-what?!"

"I was looking for you. I've been in the worst mood and realized I just wanted you. I wanted you to hold me...dote on me..." He got quiet near the end.

"Luke Skywalker, you said you loved me."

He blushed immediately and looked down, loosening his hold on you.

You immediately pulled him right back and gave him a huge kiss. His eyes grew round as saucers and he started stuttering.

"You, I...uh, I mean..."

You smiled and pulled him closer.

"I love you too, Luke."

Han: He knows.

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