Finding You in a Compromising Position: Han Solo

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(Now, before you begin reading this. Some situations are not the most appropriate or acceptable. Remember: only you have rights to your body, no means no, and don't be a dang creep. You aren't owed anything and neither does anyone owe you anything- sexually speaking. Love you, RB)


You had had it up to here with Han Solo.

He was the most incorrigible, sarcastic dickhead you had ever met.

He teased you over everything. You pointed out everything you did wrong. He went on and on about how this was his ship and you could go get your own. It was like he was actively trying to drive you insane and out at the same time.

Maybe he was...

The final straw broke when he decided to skip over some things you had put in the supplies list for the next run. Seeing as how you had helped with the smuggling he had been doing, you deemed it part of your cut.

But Han being Han, decided to nope it right off the list and move on. Spending it on a bit more Aldaraanian liquor.

You saw red.

You stomped over to him and met him have every single thought that popped into your head, told him to land at the next planet because you were done.

Now Han is a very smart man. But sometimes smart men happen to have oversight. He hadn't meant to not get the things you listed. He just meant to put them at the end of the list so they would be easier for you to get once everything was loaded. He just...forgot to add them back on afterwards.

He had also got extra Aldaraanian liquor because he knew you liked to have a glass after a long day. See? He could be nice.

When you had erupted at him, he was amused but also taken aback. When he finally heard the reasoning behind your anger it all clicked. Damnit.

When you said you were getting off his ship, something in his stomach did a type of somersault. He had liked the quietness of the ship before but would he still after you were gone? Would you be okay whoever they landed?

Regardless, you stuck to your guns. The next planet was a lush jungle with a well inhabited village that sought trade with outside worlds. A perfect fit you you. Or so you thought.

As soon as you saw the ramp ascend and the thrusters engaged, you felt sad. Sad that it was over. Sad that you wouldn't see Han or the boys again.

Han hadn't even done more than look at you as you left. His face was stoic, indifferent. You hoped this was for the best.

Han didn't know what the hell to do as you left. Part of him just wanted to lunge at you and carrying you back to the ship. The other wanted you to do what you had to. Just like he had to.

So he left.

Three months passed.

You were enjoying your time in Borleias, working with the traders to create a safer route with rules and border patrols.

You finally felt a bit accomplished compared to just flying around in space like most of you life had been. Sure beat smuggling.

If Han had to spend one more moment alone in the cockpit of the Falcon he was going to scream. Chewie had been injured two months ago, Luke had to go off on some Jedi adventure and R2 had gone back to Leia. He was alone and he missed the hell out of you.

He missed you yammering on about what repairs needed to be made, what you needed in terms of space on the ship and what junk could go.

Somehow these thoughts led to him fixing and cleaning out his ship.

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