Poe Dameron- Shy

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It had been a pleasant morning for once. No alarms, no gun fights, not even your roommates annoyed you.

Which was honestly insane all by itself.

Living in cramped corners with four others during wartime with evil dictator scum buckets after your secret base all the time meant very little relaxation time.

Much to your chagrin.

You decided to sleep in late, it was your off day and you very rarely got in before 2am normally. So sleep was mighty precious.

You took the rest of the morning slow, enjoyed your bland breakfast, read the latest reports and felt your mind drift somewhere it hadn't in a few days...

The cute pilot with the flippy dark hair.

Poe Dameron

You groaned and plonked your head on your arms, your plate rattling on the table.

You worked as a mechanic in the fighter bays and knew so well of Dameron and his maverick antics.

Somehow General Organa held him in high esteem so you merely rolled your eyes whenever he got away with something truly stupid.

He also was loyal to a fault and had a devilish smile making you proud, even eager, to work with him.

And you guessed he barely knew your name.

Ugh. Being shy was a curse, you felt. You'd had the silly daydream of him calling your name so many times you didn't even blush at it anymore.

Though reality was more like "Hey mech, can you check this out?!"

You sighed again and put on your civvies. Bland khakis. The color of blending in.

You decided a walk was a good way to get out of your head and get some fresh air.

For a blissful two hours all you heard was birds, your own footfalls and the occasional stream gurgling. It reminded you of home. You jerked away from those thoughts quicker than a warp jump.

You found a large boulder not too far from the cool stream and settled in for a much needed rest. The ambient silence was so lovely compared to the overstimulating clanking and ratcheting constantly causing a cacophony in the bays.

You closed your eyes and listened to a breeze blowing slowly through thick branches.


You furrowed your brow.


You cracked open an eye.

Beep. Beeeeep! Beep. Beep. Beep!

You could have sworn whatever was beeping was pissed.

You looked around and found a tiny droid scrabbling up the rock you had perched on.

You narrowed your eyes. That little ball looked familiar...



You slid off the rock and crouched down to look at the nearly panicked droid. This felt oddly like a saying your mother had told you many times. Something about Timmy and a well. She never did make much sense.

You tried to pick the droid up but found it to be much heavier than you'd anticipated. You landed on your butt with a heavy 'Oof!'

"What's wrong, bud?"

The little droid took off at an alarming rate, you darted off after it. Wouldn't be a good thing to have a rogue droid romping through the woods.

"BB! Wait!"  You nearly twisted your ankle trying to keep up. What you didn't expect to find way out in the woods was a body.

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