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Yulbin's POV

My eyes widened when I looked over at the clock which showed that I'm late. I grabbed everything with me as I rushed to the gates.

" Good morning Yulbin! " The friendly uncle living next door who I called Uncle Huang said with his usual grin.

I smiled, " Do you need me to fetch you to school? I'm about to fetch Hen- " Just then, a voice cut him off even before he could continue.

" Don't bother. " Hendery said while walking out with a cold look on his face. I smiled slightly as I greeted him but he simply ignored me.

I looked over at Uncle Huang, " It's okay! I can get to school myself. " I smiled brightly before running towards the bus stop.

I was fidgeting while waiting for the bus. Somehow time passed so quickly today, coincidentally on the day that I'm late. " Oh! " A smile crept up on my face as the bus pulled over in front of me.

" Good morning! " I smiled as I got on. I paid my bus fare before walking to the seat nearest to the doors so that I can rush off quicker.

During the ride, I could feel my heart beating really quickly. My stomach felt as if it's twisting and turning because of how nervous I was.

When the bus finally came to a stop right outside of my school, I hopped off and ran as fast as I could towards the gates before they closed the gates behind me.

I let out a sigh of relief as I walked up to my classroom. " Give me 3 reasons why you're late today, starts now!" I cursed under my breath as I slide opened the door to see Mr Kim standing by the teacher's table.

" I woke up late, the bus came late and I have short legs. " I said, causing the class to laugh. My eyes wandered over to Hendery who sniffled a laugh.

I smiled brightly, " Alright, I'll let you off the hook just because you're funny but you're not as funny as me! " He laughed my himself.

" You're the best Mr Kim! " I raised a thumbs up and he grinned brightly as I walked over to my seat.

I sat pretty far away from Hendery because he's really tall and I'm not as tall. " Today we will be learning more about Food and nutrition! " The class groaned as Mr Kim smiled at us brightly.

" Mr Kim! You look so happy seeing us groan, do you hate us? " Someone asked and he laughed while clapping.

He looked over at us, " Do I hate you guys? Let's decipher this using Food and Nutrition! " The class groaned again.

" I'm Iron and you guys are Vitamin C. We are perfect match! " We cringed while he laughed hysterically looking at us suffering.

He started teaching and we were all dozing off until he screamed. " Let me tell you guys a story! " Some of us started to get interested.

Mr Kim smiled, " So recently I went to the park with my friends because we were having a picnic. So I was doing my own thing when I felt something bumped into my face. "

" I realised it was a bee! " I raised my brows, looking amused while some people were squealing in disgust.

He chuckled, " But I can't blame them. Maybe they thought my face was a flower. " We started cringing while he burst into laughter.

Soon, the class ended and I walked over to Hendery with a smile. " Hello! " He laid his head on his desk while looking the other way.

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