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Yulbin's POV

I smiled as I walked over to Hendery's seat with a banana milk in my hand. " Here. I know you don't eat much for your breakfast but it's important to have something. " I smiled as I placed it on his desk.

He eyed me before standing up. He took the banana milk and walked over to the bin before dropping it in. " Hendery, must you be such a jerk? " Hwiyoung asked while walking in.

Hendery placed his hands in his pockets as he pushed passed Hwiyoung. I forced a smile as I walked to my seat.

Hwiyoung walked over to me, " Gosh, Hendery is just a douche. Why is he acting all mysterious? I don't even know what's up in his mind. " He scoffed.

I sighed, " Why are you so patient towards him? Even though he's my best friend but I just want to slap him. " He sneered.

" Because I like him. " I pouted while staring into space and I heard Hwiyoung sighed before he pulled a chair over.

He sat down, " It's okay to like him but you need to know the limit. I remembered how mad I was when I realised this guy hurt my sister's feelings. " He rolled my eyes.

I raised my brows, " What did she do for him? "

" Don't even get me started. She did so much shit for that bastard. I remembered for Valentine's day, she even went to learn how to make homemade chocolates for him. He did the same shit as Hendery, he threw it into the bin. In the end, she came home crying. " He sneered.

Hwiyoung pursed his lips as he looked over at me before letting out a sigh. " I know how much you like him but you need to learn how to protect yourself from jerks who don't deserve your love. "

" Why are you so nice to me? " I asked.

He sighed, " Because you reminded me of my sister when she's all blind in love. That is why I don't even want to fall for anyone. "

" Honestly you should protect yourself. Never let yourself suffer any sort of unfair treatment. Some guys are worse than Hendery, they are just inhumane. " He scoffed.

Just then, Mr Kim came into class again with his usual smile. Hwiyoung moved the chair back before going back to his seat. " Good morning class! " He smiled.

" Where's Hendery? " He looked around.

Everyone chattered among themselves, " He probably went to shit. " Hwiyoung said from the back of the class.

" No. I just went to get a drink. " A voice said and I turned back to see Hendery walking in with a banana milk in his hand.

He'd rather make a trip to the cafeteria to get a banana milk than to drink the one I bought for him.

I turned back to the front as I fiddled with my fingers. " Yulbin? Yulbin? " I looked up to see Mr Kim looking at me in concern.

" Are you sleepy? " I shook my head.

A smile crept up on his face, " Since you're okay, then tell me what are some vitamins to take for energy boost? " I thought for a bit.

" Vitamin B6 and 12? " He nodded with a proud smile on his face as he wrote that down on the board before turning to look at us again.

He looked around the class, " Wonho! Since you're so buff and all, what's a fruit you should eat to build muscles? " I looked around.

Wonho smiled as he tried hard to think of an answer. " I don't know, Mr Kim. What do you think is the answer? " He chuckled.

Mr Kim laughed, " Nice move. One fruit I can think of is Kiwi. It contains more Vitamin C than any other fruits, it also contain the most potent antioxidant which helps remove fats off your body. " We started yawning.

He slammed his hand against the board a few times, trying to catch our attention. " Let me ask you guys a question. What is something that is wide? "

" A ship? " A voice said.

Another voice asked, " Is ocean wide? "

Mr Kim nodded with a smile, " All of them are wide but let me ask you guys another question. What is the widest thing in the world? " Everyone started pondering.

He giggled by himself, " My shoulders. It's wider than the seas. It's the widest discovery in the world. " We groaned at his bad jokes while he smiled proudly.

When Mr Kim ended his class, Hendery stood up and walked out of the class. I dragged Hwiyoung along with me as we followed behind him. " I don't know why is he always walking in and out of the class. " I said.

Hwiyoung shrugged, " Me neither. That guy is just weird. " I chuckled.

He ended up at the mini mart, " What did he get? I can't see. " I squinted my eyes trying to see but I have really bad eyesight so I can't see.

" Gummy? It's this grape gummy. " My heartbeat started increasing.

I looked over at Hwiyoung, " Is it purple packaging? " He nodded and I smiled to myself as I dragged Hwiyoung with me into the mart.

I took one of the gummy candy to as I walked over to the counter where Hendery was at. " You like this candy too? " I asked and he ignored me.

" I thought you didn't like candy. " Hwiyoung said to Hendery but he reminded silent as he paid for the snacks before leaving.

I quickly paid for my gummy before rushing out of the mart, following behind him. " Why am I following Hendery when I don't like him? It's so weird for me to follow him. " He shot me an uncomfortable expression.

" Because you're my best friend? " I raised my brows.

He scoffed, " Is there a way to refund? That's such a bad r- " I nudged him in the waist and he winced.

" Why are we following him though? " He asked and I pursed my lips.

" I feel like I don't know him anymore. " I said.

Hwiyoung chuckled slightly, " You just felt that? I've been feeling this way since a few years back when he acted all weird and distanced. "

After many hours later, school finally ended. I waited next to Hendery's desk, " Are you going home now? Or do you have something on? " He ignored me.

" Dustbin, I have lessons so I'm gonna go first. " Hwiyoung said and I nodded.

He eyed Hendery, " Bye Hendery. " I looked over at Hendery who didn't react, not even a bit. He stood up and he pushed passed me.

I could feel the sleeve of his uniform brushing against me, that's when I realised, that might be the closest we will ever be. We will never be emotionally close like we used to anymore.

I pushed that thought away as I followed up with him. I walked beside him, " Have you pack for the trip yet? " He didn't say a word.

I nodded, " Me too! " I smiled, knowing that he isn't the kind to pack in advance.

" I honestly don't know where are we going. My parents only said we're going to a bath house. " I sighed.

When we got onto the bus, I sat next to him as he plugged the earpiece into his ears. I didn't want to bother him with my talking, so I took my notebook out of my bag and I decided to write something.

' I found this joke online to make you smile!

When you're feeling unhappy, just remember that somewhere in the world there is a moron pushing the door when it said pull. '

I placed it in front of him. He looked at it for a bit before looking out of the window, I pouted as I searched for more jokes.

Suddenly, he cleared his throat. I looked up to realise that we're reaching out stop. I pressed the buzzer and we got off.

I followed next to him, " Wasn't that joke funny? I thought it was funny. I think I'm that moron. " I chuckled.

" Bye Hendery! See you tomorrow! " I waved to him as he entered his house. I continued walking over to my house. I looked up at the cloudy sky.

Yulbin, you're really a moron.

A moron for trying so hard to impress a guy who will never like you back.

21st March 2021

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