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Yulbin's POV

When class ended, I decided to freshen up before going home. I rinsed my face with some water before leaving the washroom.

When I was walking out of the washroom, I was greeted by a familiar voice.

I turned around and I saw Hyunsuk grinning at me as he waved. His smile faded, " You don't look too good today. " I forced a smile.

" Thanks. " He chuckled.

He looked over at me, " You got a little something here. "

He reached his hand over to the side of my face to remove it before blowing it away. " Done! " He smiled.

Just then, an arm appeared over my shoulders and I looked over to see Hwiyoung. " Oh! Aren't you the genius, Hyunsuk? " He nodded.

" Why are you talking to Miss Ugly Duckling? " I sneered and they chuckled.

Hyunsuk smiled, " We're friends. " He said.

" Friends? Why her? " He asked.

Hyunsuk chuckled, " Why not her? She seem pretty nice. " Hwiyoung burst into laughter and I stomped on his feet causing him to brown in pain.

" Are you free some time soon? Let me do a powerpoint slide before presenting to you why you shouldn't be friends with her. " My eyes winded.

He whispered into Hyunsuk's ear but it's so loud that I heard it. " She's a scammer, a con artist. She might seem harmless but she's the most harmful person I've e- " I smacked his back and he winced in pain.

He turned over to look at him, " Hey! " He screamed.

Hyunsuk chuckled, " You guys seem really close! "

We shook our head in unison, " I don't even know him until today. We're acquaintance. " I said and he shook his head.

" What are you saying? The truth is, she's my pet. " I smacked his arm and he rolled his eyes while Hyunsuk chuckled.

He looked over at his watch, " I have soccer practice now but are you guys free this weekend? " He asked and Hwiyoung nodded.

Hyunsuk looked over at me, " Miss Yulbin here is as free as a bird. She's honestly the most free and the most boring person I know. " He sighed.

Hyunsuk chuckled as he took his phone out, " Mind sharing your numbers with me? " We exchanged numbers before he went off.

We bid each other goodbye as Hwiyoung dragged me back to class while being so hype.

" Dude, we got asked out by Choi Hyunsuk! That's like everyone's dream! " I scoffed as I pushed him away before walking into class.

He grabbed onto my wrist and dragged me out of the classroom again. " Are you okay? You look like a zombie today. " I pursed my lips as I looked over at him.

" I have to go for checkup again. I'm scared. " I sighed.

Hwiyoung looked over at me, " Do you still have difficulty sleeping? " I nodded and he ruffled my hair playfully.

I looked up at him, " You'll be fine! You're my best friend and you know, I have the best luck! " He punched my arm gently to make me feel better.

" When are you going? " He asked.

I sighed, " Tomorrow. "

Just the thought of going for the check up scares me. I hate the fact that there might be bad news awaiting me. I hate the hospital so god damn much, it just reminds me of that.

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