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Yulbin's POV

I washed up and changed into a fresh set of clothes before going downstairs. I saw my parents having their dinner and Donghyuck is nowhere to be seen.

" Where's Donghyuck? " I asked.

My mom smiled, " You finally cared for your brother." I shook my head as I sat down in front of them.

" You have no idea how elated I am inside out when he's not here. " I grinned widely and they chuckled.

My dad looked over at me, " Donghyuck went over to Hwiyoung's house for dinner. " I nodded as I took my phone out of my pocket.

" Oh yeah, this coming weekend our family will be going to the bathhouse for a short staycation. " A smile crept up on my face.

I looked over at them, " So you mean Hendery and Hwiyoung's families will be there? " They nodded and I cheered.

I stood up, " I'm going to Hwiyoung's house. " I said before running out without my coat even though it's freezing outside, especially since the sun is down.

When I got to his house, I pressed the doorbell as I waited outside of their gates. I was hopping around because I wanted to generate heat by increasing the blood circulation.

The gates finally opened and I went in, closing the gates behind me. I walked into their house where I saw them eating. " Hello! " I waved to his family.

" Yulbin, have you eaten? " I shook my head.

They made me sit down as they served a bowl of piping hot rice to me. " Thank you. " I smiled and I heard a gagging sound coming from the side.

I looked to the side to see Hwiyoung and Donghyuck judging me. " Since when were you this respectful? " Hwiyoung asked.

" What a scam. " Donghyuck said.

Heiyoung's parents chuckled, " What do you mean? Yulbin has always been this respectful! " His dad said and Auntie Kim nodded in agreement.

" Uncle and Auntie Kim! You guys are the best! " I shot them a finger heart and they reciprocated it back to me.

After we're done with our food, we went to the basement of Hwiyoung's house where there is a so-called mini arcade for us to play.

I sat on the beanbag while looking at the two animals playing. " Freak! I almost hit that! " Hwiyoung screamed.

" God, me too! It's all Yulbin's fault! " My eyes widened, wondering how did I get insulted without doing anything.

I scoffed, " How is it my fault? " I asked.

" Your presence distract me. " Donghyuck said.

I smiled as I made a flower pose, " Am I too pretty? " They started laughing.

" No, in fact it's the opposite. You're too ugly that it distracts me. " I kicked him on the leg and he laughed even harder.

I sneered, " Bye, I'm leaving. " I said.

" Send yourself out. " Hwiyoung said without looking up from the screen.

I rolled my eyes as I stood up before leaving the basement. " Oh, Yulbin you're going home already? " I nodded. I bowed slightly before leaving their house.

Just as I was about to enter my house, I saw Hendery walking out. " Hendery! " I waved and he eyed me before closing the gates behind him.

I pursed my lips as I rushed over to him, " Where are you going? " He ignored me.

Not gonna lie, I'm freezing.

I just wore a sweatpants and a tee shirt when it's less than 5 degrees here. I didn't know I was going to follow Hendery, if I knew I would've worn thicker clothings.

I held in the coldness as I walked by him. " I heard our families are going to the hot bath this weekend. Are you going? " I looked up at him but he acted as if no one said a thing.

I pouted before a smile crept up on my face, " I'm very excited actually. I can't wait to eat lots of good food there! " I giggled.

He walked into the convenient store and I followed behind him. Hendery took whatever he wanted and went to the counter. I looked around before my eyes landed on a gummy candy, I took it and went to the counter.

I placed the candy together with Hendery's, " I'll pay you when I get home. " I thought he would at the very least be nice to me that once but I was wrong.

Hendery pushed my gummy aside, " Just these. " He told the employee so she scanned everything but my gummy.

I pouted as I placed the gummy back onto the shelf before walking to the counter. Turns out, he didn't even wait for me.

I walked out of the convenient store and I saw him walking way ahead of me. I rushed after him and I managed to catch up with him. " What did you get? "

No reply.

" I wanted to get the gummy just now but I didn't bring my wallet. " I pouted and still, there wasn't a single word coming out of his mouth.

When we got to his house, I waved to him, " Bye Hendery! " but as usual, he went in without saying goodbye to me.

I'm pretty used to his cold behaviour but it's still disappointing. I went into my house and I was freezing cold, " Turn up the heater please! " I said as I tried to heat my body temperature up by doing jumping jacks.

Hendery's POV

I walked into the house with the snacks I bought. I placed it on the dining table and was about to walk up to my room when my dad came down the stairs.

He looked over at the snacks that I bought, " What did you buy? " I pushed passed him as I walked up the stairs.

I went into my room and I closed the door behind me before laying on my bed with my arms spread widely apart. I stared at the plain ceiling blankly.

" Alexa, play Everyday, Every moment by Paul Kim. " I said and the music player started playing that song as I closed my eyes, relating to the lyrics of the songs.

Just then, the door opened. I sat up as I paused the music. " Why did you come into my room without knocking on the door? " I asked.

He knocked on the door slightly, " Happy now? " He chuckled.

I sighed, " What do you want? " I asked coldly.

He came in and sat next to me as I moved away from him. " Must you? Must you act like this because of a girl? " I glared at him.

" She's not just a girl. She's not any girl. " He chuckled as he turned to face me.

" Hendery Hwang, her family doesn't even resent me. Who are you to hate me on her behalf? " I rolled my hand into a fist.

I glared at my dad, " Who am I to hate you on her behalf? " I stood up as tears welled up in my eyes.

" As someone that like her. "

21st March 2021

thank y'all for reading!!

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