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Hendery's POV

" Why did you bring me out? I'm not even tired. " Jooyeon said while clinging onto my arm and I gulped as I tried to think of an excuse.

I smiled, " I wanted to have some alone time with you. We didn't get the chance to know each other well too. " She grinned.

I brought her to my room and she looked around my room looking at various pictures. " Oh! Is this Yulbin and Youngkyun? " I walked over to her and I smiled.

" Yeah. This was taken on my first birthday. " She chuckled as she looked up at me.

" You guys were so little. " I smiled.

Jooyeon pouted, " I envy you guy's friendship. I don't have a childhood friend who I still keep in touch with. "

" Sometimes it's not that good of a thing to have a childhood friend. " I said as I walked over to my chair and I sat down.

She looked over at me, " Why? "

I cleared my throat, " Sometimes it's hard for you to do something because they are your best friends. " I chuckled.

Jooyeon walked over to me as she placed her hand over mine, " Don't worry, they seem pretty nice. " I nodded.

" They are. " I pursed my lips.

She sat on my bed as she looked at me, " Actually there's something that I'm curious about but I didn't dare to ask. " I raised my brows.

" Why do you guys call Youngkyun, Hwiyoung instead? " I smiled.

" Honestly I don't know. One day Yulbin just called him Hwiyoung and since then, that name just stuck with him. " She nodded.

She smiled, " Honestly, they would make a cute couple. Don't you think so? " My smile faded but I quickly put on a smile as I nodded.

" Let's get to know one another now. " I said and she nodded.

I looked over at the picture of the three of us.

We can never go back to those days.

Yulbin's POV

I laid on my bed while staring at the ceiling as if it would be able to change reality. I groaned as I kicked my blanket before sitting up.

What does Donghyuck mean?

I ruffled my hair in frustration, " What if other people also found out that I like- I mean, I used to like Hendery? "

I furrowed my brows as I hopped off my bed before walking over to Donghyuck's room. " Lee Donghyuck, what do you mean? " I stormed into his room.

He furrowed his brows, " Lee Yulbin, it's 2am in the morning. Why the hell are you here? " He asked in his husky, morning voice as he sat up.

" What you said just now. What do you mean? " I walked over and sat on his bed.

He turned on the lights and he glared at me, " What? Can you be more precise? " I pursed my lips.

" You know, when you asked me if I like? " He stared at me blankly.

I looked at him, " What? " He asked.

I let out a sigh, " You asked if I like Hendery. " He rolled his eyes as he laid back down on his bed, placing his Winnie the pooh plushie over his eyes.

" You came here just to ask me that? " I nodded.

He sighed, " Gosh, it's just a random question. " Suddenly he threw his plushie to the side as he sat up with a smirk.

" Unless, you're guilty! " I smacked his head as I stood up.

" Go to sleep, moron. " I took his toy and threw it at him before leaving his room and closing the door being me.

I went back into my room and I laid back down onto my bed. " I can't believe I didn't get the answer that I want. God, I just embarrassed myself! " I sighed.

I stretched my hand over to get a pill before chugging it down with lots of water before going to bed.

The next morning, I washed up and changed into my uniform before going downstairs for breakfast. My face heat up when I saw Donghyuck smirking at me.

I went over and sat down next to him. " What's for breakfast? " I asked.

He scoffed, " Are you blind? There's a whole feast of jeon and you're asking me what's for breakfast? "

" I didn't ask you, you moron. " I sneered.

Donghyuck smirked, " I wonder if mom and dad knows that you like He- " I covered his mouth with both of my hands.

My mom came over to the dining table and I began eating my breakfast. " Soon, Donghyuck will be going to school with you. " She said.

I eyed him, " Will he even graduate? " He kicked my feet from under the table while shooting me threatening glare.

I scoffed, " He probably bravely make it. "

" Mom! Did you know Yulbin likes- " I shoved a piece of jeon into his mouth and his eyes widened.

I shot him a forced smile, " Eat well my dear brother so you'll have the energy to study. " He glared at me.

After I'm done eating, I swung my bag over my shoulders as I looked over at them. " I'll go to school now. " I bowed slightly.

" Wait, I'll bring you there. " I turned around and I saw my dad going down the stairs.

My mom looked over at him, " Don't you want to eat your breakfast first? " He shook his head.

" I'm meeting one of the client for breakfast. " We got onto the car and on the way to school, he started talking to me about something that I wanted to forget about long ago.

I let out a sigh, " Why did you suddenly bring this topic up? " I asked.

" Doctor Kim called me today. You've been missing on all your hospital appointments. " He said as the car came to a stop at the traffic light.

I pursed my lips, " I didn't want to go. You know how much I hate that place. " I bit my lips as tears welled up in my eyes.

I took a deep breath, " After the accident, I can't even have a good night sleep. " I bit my lips to prevent tears from rolling down my face.

" Dad, what do I do? I tried everything. I tried to be positive, I tried to turn on happy music but that scene just keeps- " Tears rolled down my face uncontrollably.

My dad stopped the car at the side as he looked over at me in concern. He held my hands, " Don't worry my dear daughter, " He pulled me into a hug.

" I will find the person who did this to you. "

24th March 2021

do give my post a read!!

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