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Yulbin's POV

After the interrogation, I was about to leave when I turned around. " Sorry but may I ask, will he be punished with the evidence given? " The officer let out a sigh.

" Why didn't you tell us this years before? It's really hard for him to get maximum charges. " I sighed.

He shot me a smile, " Don't worry, we'll make sure to get justice for you. How are you after the accident? " I nodded with a smile.

I bowed to him slightly as I greeted him goodbye before leaving the room. I saw Hwiyoung scrolling through his phone, " What are you looking at? "

" Law schools. " I raised my brows.

" You're going to a law school? " He nodded.

He placed his phone down, " I heard Ko Joon is going to be out of jail in a year. He only got two and a half years of prison time. " He clenched his jaw.

" I'm pretty sure there's many more people like my sister around who needs justice. They did nothing wrong yet they have to pay with their life yet the bullies are the ones who lead a normal life after getting out of jail. " I sighed.

Hwiyoung pursed his lips, " I'm going to study hard from now. I have less than a month but with my brain, I'm sure I can do well. " I nodded and he smiled slightly.

We went back home right after and throughout the day, everyone is so moody.

I went downstairs to see my parents sitting on the couch. " Where did you go today? " My dad asked and I pursed my lips.

" Hwiyoung didn't feel too good so I- " He eyed me.

" Lee Yulbin, the police station called us to tell us that you went down for investigation. " I sighed while nodding my head.

I looked up at them. " The truth is, I remembered who was the driver of the car. "

Hendery's POV

I felt a strong punch against my cheek and I fell to the ground due to the impact. He kicked and punched me and I smirked, " You wanted evidence? I gave you evidence. " He punched me again.

He held my collar as he pulled me up, " Are you that happy seeing me go to jail? " A smile crept up on my face.

" You don't know how happy I am. " I chuckled and I felt another punch on my face again.

I wiped the blood on the corner of my lips away as I cleaned it on his white collar. I smirked as I looked at that stain before looking up at him, " You can continue punching me and kicking me all you want, eventually that's another charge on you. "

He was about to punch me again when the door bell rang. He adjusted his outfit and I was forced to clean myself up upstairs.

From the sound, I'm pretty sure that's the police officers. I went down the stairs to see my dad getting handcuffed away.

At that moment, I felt happy yet tears welled up in my eyes. I rushed up to my room and slammed the door behind me.

I looked over at the picture with Hwiyoung and Yulbin in it. " Guys, I did it. Are you guys proud of me? " I forced a smile as tears rolled down my face.

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