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Yulbin's POV

As usual, the three families gathered at my house. I went downstairs to see Hendery and Hwiyoung sitting on the couch.

I bowed slightly to their parents to greet them before sitting back down. " I heard from your dad that you're still having difficulty sleeping. How was it now? " I pursed my lips.

" It's still hard but- " I got cut off.

" But it has been so many years since the accident. Can't you just forget about it or something? " Hendery's dad asked and instantly, the whole atmosphere became tense.

My dad sneered, " It's not that easy to forget. "

" I'm going to find the driver and- " Once again,  his dad cut our sentence off again.

He laughed, " After so long, you're going to open up the case again? Gosh, that's such a waste of time. " I looked over at my dad to see him clenching his jaw and his hand was rolled into a fist.

" Enough. " His mom nudged his dad.

The only reason why I decided to drop charges back then was because I know the person who caused the accident was Hendery's dad.

So I decided to pretend as if I didn't see who was it.

I let out a sigh as I stood up, " I'm going to the convenient store for a bit. " I put on my outerwear and I walked out.

Our house is pretty close to the convenient store. It's not a very big convenient store but it's definitely one that can suffice my cravings.

I got the gummy and some chips. I was about to pay for it when a hand stretched out from behind me to pay for me instead. " You left your wallet at home, dumbo. " I looked behind to see Hwiyoung.

After I took my things, we were walking back when he asked, " Did you leave because you felt uncomfortable? " I nodded.

" I don't know what's wrong with him today. He's so prickly. " He sneered.

" What did you get? " He took the bag from me and looked through it.

He scoffed, " Shut up. " I said before he could say anything about me being unhealthy.

When we walked back home, we realised Hendery left and the atmosphere then was pretty tense. I eyed Hwiyoung, " Where's Hendery? " He asked.

" He went home. He wasn't feeling well. " His dad said without looking up at ask and it's pretty evident that he is upset with Hendery.

Hendery's dad suddenly stood up, " I'm going home. Thanks for everything today. " He forced a smile before leaving and Hendery's mom followed behind after bowing slightly.

When they've left, Hwiyoung looked at his parents suspiciously. " What happened just now? I'm pretty sure something happened. " I looked around seeing all the adults looking weirdly.

" Hendery g- " My mom held onto my dad's hand, preventing him from saying anything.

I furrowed my brows, " Just tell us, dad. We're technically Hendery's friends and you guys said before, the three of our families are a family. "

Everyone remained silent.

Donghyuck groaned, " I don't know what happened to Hendery just now but after the both of you left, he started arguing with his dad. " I pursed my lips.

The adults eyed Donghyuck but you know, he didn't care about what the adults were thinking. He just did what he think he should do. " Out of anger, his dad slapped him and he stormed out of our house. "

" That's all? " Hwiyoung asked.

His mom smacked his head and he groaned while massaging his head. " You guys are keeping it a secret as if it's some kind of murder. " I nodded.

My mom sighed, " I don't know what happened to their family. They are usually really kind and peaceful, our family is usually the noisy and chaotic one but today they seemed really off. " Hwiyoung's dad nodded.

" Must be Hendery becoming rebellious. You know how much they care about his education. They even thought of sending him overseas. " I furrowed my brows.

" They are sending him overseas? When? " Hwiyoung's dad nodded.

He thought for a bit, " After the exams. "

I eyed Hwiyoung, " He's leaving the country by himself at such a young age? " My mom asked and he nodded.

I stood up, " I'm going over. " I said as I rushed out of my house to head to Hendery's house.

" Wait up. " I turned around to see Hwiyoung walking behind me.

We were reaching his house when we heard a loud scream. " I don't freaking care anymore dad! The way you treated Yulbin with no sign of remorse made me feel sick in the stomach for having a dad like you! "

" So? What are you gonna do? Tell everyone that I was the one who hit and run Yulbin? Do you have evidence to prove it? " I pursed my lips.

I looked over my shoulders to see Hwiyoung staring at me in shocked. " W-Wait, why aren't you shocked? " I sighed.

Before I could reply, the gate swung opened revealing Hendery. His left cheek was swollen and it's pretty clear that he cried just now.

He rushed off and the both of us followed behind him. Even though we didn't talk for so long but we're still his friends.

Hendery stopped at the playground and he turned around. " Why are you guys following me? I'm not your friend! " He screamed.

Tears welled up in his eyes, " Lee Yulbin, every single time I see you I feel so guilty knowing what my dad did! Can you just stay away from me? "

Hwiyoung sneered, " You knew yet you didn't tell Yulbin's parents about it? You know how desperate they were trying to find the driver! " I held his hand, pulling him back.

Hendery scoffed as he walked towards Hwiyoung. His gaze, that's not how he usually look. " Kim Youngkyun, you assume you know everything huh? Let me tell you, you don't know lots of things that happened. " He placed his hand on his shoulder.

He smirked, " Plus, we're no longer friends. I'm the son of a criminal, we're not supposed to be together. " He turned his back and was walking off when I let out a sigh.

" Is that why you used Jooyeon? " He stopped walking.

Hwiyoung stared at me in confusion, " I overheard your conversation with her today. Is that why you got into a relationship with her? Because you knew that I like you and you feel guilty every time you see me? "

Hendery burst into laughter as he turned around. He laughed hysterically before he looked at me, " You think too highly of yourself. I just lost feelings for Jooyeon, do you think I will like someone like you? "

" I've been trying to break up with her because I'm sick and tired of her. " He smirked as he eyed me.

" I just used you as an excuse to breakup. "

4th April 2021

yo i think i'm gonna end this story soon HAHHAA like really soon before this story goes haywire and y'know becomes even shittier but thank you guys for reading :")

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