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Yulbin's POV

The day after we got back, I went downstairs to have my breakfast before going to school. " Feels bad to be back. " Donghyuck said as he stretched his arms in the air while walking down the stairs.

" I don't mind if you don't come back. " I said and he cursed at me while I smiled.

Ahjumma came out with several dishes before returning back into the kitchen. " My favourite! " Donghyuck said.

" Are you serious? You're eating pork belly in the morning? " I was judging him.

He sneered, " There's no fixed time for pork belly! " I shrugged as I ate my waffles while he continued eating his pork belly.

I was walking out of my house when Hendery's dad insist that he fetch me to school. " Did you enjoy the trip? " His dad asked and I nodded.

" It was really relaxing. Honestly I wish it was longer though. " I sighed and he chuckled while nodding.

He eyed Hendery from the mirror, " How's Hendery in school? He doesn't share with me anything. " I looked over at Hendery who's looking out of the window.

I smiled, " He's what you imagine him to be like. The smart one that every teachers like, many girls like him but he's so cold. " I pursed my lips.

His dad chuckled, " Really? Girls like guys like him? " I nodded.

He pulled over outside our school, we got off and I hid him goodbye before he drove off. " Did you managed to do all the work that Mr Kim assigned? I did my work till 2am. " I groaned.

" I heard there's chicken feet again today. Are you going to eat with Hwiyoung and I? " I looked over at him and he remained silent still.

We walked into the classroom together.

I smiled as I took out a banana milk from my bag before placing it on his desk. " Since it's yours now, you can do whatever you want with it. " I smiled before walking to my seat.

I laid my head on the desk, " Ladies and gentlemen, it's your favourite teacher again! " A familiar voice said and I looked up to see Mr Kim grinning.

" You guys look so dead. Here, I knew this would happen so I brought bananas for the entire class! " He chuckled while giving out bananas.

I thanked him, " Banana is one of the best energy booster food. It's an excellent source of complex carbohydrates. It also contains Potassium and Vitamin B6! " I yawned.

I ate the banana while trying to focus in his lesson. My eyes were going to shut anytime because I didn't sleep much last night.

What's Mr Kim's class without jokes right?

He slammed the board as usual, " What do you call an ice cream that parties too hard? " We thought for a bit before giving up.

Mr Kim held in his laughter, " Out of Conetrol. " He finally released his laughter. If there isn't CCTV here, he would be rolling on the ground, laughing.

After he ended his class, it's time for PE.

Honestly, I would have Food and Nutrition lesson over PE anytime. I went to change out of my uniform, when I was coming back I heard a commotion.

I squeezed my way through and landed in the front seat. My smile fell when I saw the girl who's named as the prettiest girl in the school standing before Hendery.

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