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Hendery's POV

" I just used you as an excuse to break up. "

Right after I said that, Hwiyoung rushed over to me and started punching me all over. " You jerk! You know how much I hated guys who hurt girls and used them yet you chose to be one of them! "

I smirked, " Why? Because your sister- " He punched me in the face again.

" Don't talk about my sister! " He screamed.

I pushed him off before I stood up. I dusted my pants slightly while eyeing him, " Kim Youngkyun, I'm no longer the Hendery you knew. Did you just realised I'm a jerk? " I burst into laughter.

I smirked, " That's the price you guys have to pay for being nosy. Why did you follow me? " I scoffed before walking off.

I walked to a park nearby and I just stood there in silence. " There's only less than a month until you're leaving. " I said as I stood up.

Just continue being a jerk for the next one month and everything will be in place.

I decided to head home now, " Hendery! What happened to your face? Who did this to you? " My mom asked as she cupped my face.

I shot her a slight smile, " I fell. " I pushed passed her as I went over to my dad's alcohol fridge and I took a soju out.

" Mom, I'm in a bad mood today. Let me just drink this. " I went up to my room and I sat down on my floor as I chugged soju down while staring into space.

Tears rolled down my cheeks as I turned to see the photo of my family. Anger rise in me, " Why must you be my father? Why must I born in this family! " I took the empty soju bottle and I slammed it against the photo frame.

The soju bottle and photo frame broke into pieces.

I stared at the broken glasses on the floor as tears fell on the ground. " I don't deserve to be happy. " I crawled across the floor.

I placed my palm over the broken pieces and blood oozed out. A smile crept up on my face, " This is not even a little of the pain Yulbin felt. " I gulped.

My mom pushed opened the door and she started screaming. " Mom, it's nothing. " I furrowed my brows as she rushed over.

She brought me downstairs and the helper helped to remove the glass shards out of my hand. I winced in pain as she removed them, " Are you trying to get pity? You're also the reason why I didn't- " I stood up.

I walked towards him, " Don't ever say that I was the reason why you didn't turn yourself in. Stop using me as an excuse! "

I chuckled, " You deleted that footage when you get home. That was when you already knew you didn't want to turn yourself in so stop using me as your excuse and making myself feel bad. " I cleaned my jaw.

" You don't know how shitty my life is to have a father like you. A father that nearly killed my friend and left her on the road yet you can still be all friendly with her family. " I shook my head.

" You're disgusting. " He slapped me across my face.

My mom came over and dragged me back to the couch. I sat back down as the helper continued removing the glass shards.

I looked over at my mom to see her sobbing. " Mom, it's not your fault. You didn't know about this until today. " I let out a smile.

" Let's just cut all ties with their families. Hwiyoung and Yulbin. " She slowly looked up at me.

When the helper is done wrapping my hand, I stood up and I went back up to my room. I cleaned up the glass pieces my self and threw away any sigh of my father.

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