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Hwiyoung's POV

I shoved Hendery against the lockers, " You scum. " He furrowed his brows as he pushed me away from him.

" What is your problem? " He scoffed.

I walked towards him, " What is my problem? I heard you're dating Jooyeon. " I pushed him against the lockers again.

" So? Is it illegal to date Jooyeon? " I smirked.

" Do you even like her? " I eyed him and he looked to the side while nodding. I let out a sigh as I held his collars while glaring at him.

He glared at me, " Look into my eyes. Do you like Jooyeon or not? " He took a deep breath as he stared into my eyes.

" I do. " I shoved him away and his back hit against the lockers. He groaned in pain while glaring at me, I scoffed.

I stormed back into the sports hall and I sat down next to Yulbin. " What the hell did you do? " She asked me.

Just then, Hendery came back in and Jooyeon ran over to him. She linked their arms together, " You know what? " Yulbin asked while staring at them.

" I'm done liking him. " I turned to look at her.

Tears welled up in her eyes as she turned to look at me with a forced smile. " I don't want to like someone's boyfriend even if I like him first. " She sniffed.

I looked over at her, " Then don't. God, Hendery is such a jerk. " I said as I looked over at Hendery who's forcing a smile at Jooyeon.

It's so obvious he didn't like her.

They don't even talk in school or anywhere else. I'm pretty sure Hendery doesn't even know her existence before this.

Yulbin's POV

I looked over at Hendery and Jooyeon who's linking arms now as they walked to the other side of the hall. I looked to the side, " God, why are they so extra? It's so cringe to watch. " Hwiyoung said.

Honestly my school hours are so boring so let me just skip till the end of school.

When school ended, Hwiyoung and I walked out of school together. We were walking through the hallway when I saw Hendery and Jooyeon together.

" Crap, I think I forgot my calculator. " He chuckled slightly before pulling me towards our classroom.

I waited for him outside of the classroom while Hwiyoung went in to get his calculator. After he came back out, we went to the bus stop.

We sat down on the bench while we waited for the bus to arrive. " You're so funny! " I turned to see Hendery and Jooyeon walking towards us.

I heard Hwiyoung cursed, " Oh hey Yulbin and Youngkyun! " Jooyeon said as she waved to me and I shot her a slight smile.

Hwiyoung leaned in towards me, " Why does she call me Youngkyun? I'm not used to it. " I nudged him, signalling him to shut up.

" Where are you guys going? " She asked.

Hwiyoung eyed her, " Why? Are you going to stalk us with your newly founded boyfriend? " I nudged him while glaring at him.

Jooyeon chuckled, " I heard you guys are neighbours. If you guys are going home, that means we're taking the same bus. " My eyes widened.

" Same bus? " I asked and she nodded.

She pulled Hendery closer to her, " He wants to introduce me to his family. " She grinned as she looked over at him.

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