Chapter 5

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I also heard him mumble something else but all I heard was "Kiss, head,goodnight, beautiful." Hmm. What does that mean? I guess it's a mystery I'll have to discover.

Wait what if Chris likes me? What no. That's silly he wouldn't like me. We are just friends. I think.

I woke up to hearing someone arguing. I rolled over to the side of my bed and looked at the time, 5:32pm, woah I was asleep for a while. I got up and immediately felt light headed, but I ignored it, I walked over to my mirror and my refection was a mess, well I was a mess.

My hair looked like a birds nest, (A/N: It wasn't thaat bad, but it wasn't a pretty view) my makeup was a mess, my shirt was sticking to my skin, because for some reason I am sweating, my shirt was damp, and my mascara was running down my cheeks. Wait, I've been crying? No. I don't remember anything about me crying or why I'm sweating a lot.

I sighed and went to the bathroom. I fixed my makeup, fixed my hair, and by then my shirt was pretty dry. I walked out when I heard a sudden crash and someone yell "See look what you did!? You ruin everything!" Okay what is happening down there, I quickly went down the stairs almost tripping and falling down them but I made it.

I caught a glimpse of a vase shattered into pieces on the floor, shit, that cost me money, I actually spent some of my money to buy that stupid vase. Natalie, right now is not the time to stress over a vase, you have better things to stress over, I thought. Okay, okay its just a vase nothing to stress over, but someone could get hurt if they step near that. Okay I should really stop worrying about that vase.

I walked into the kitchen to see Lizbeth and Chris yelling at each other. I hid into a corner to watch what they were doing. Chris yelled back, "I do not ruin everything! At least I do not ruin peoples lives like you do!", Lizbeth yelled back, "Look just shut the hell up because you do not know anything and if you actually had a mind, you would know I do not ruin peoples lives!", then she shoved him.

Okaay, I need to stop this. I stepped out of my hiding spot and grabbed a spoon, (A/N: its for protection , its not like she's going to eat nutella and watch..) and I was gonna grab the nutella jar and just watch them fight with each other, but what kind of friend would do that? Definitely me.

"What the hell is going on here?!" I yelled over them.

"See?! I told you, you were gonna wake her up with your yelling!" Lizbeth yelled at him.

"Nobody woke up anybody! All what I want to know is what is going on here! You two need to calm down and shut up!" I said sternly while dramatically waving the spoon in the air.

Chris was staring blankly at the floor and blinking as to say "What just happened" while Lizbeth stomped out of the kitchen and slammed the backdoor muttering "Fuck this." Wow. I never thought they would fight with each other, maybe I should go for a walk to just clear my mind from everything that has been happening.

I quickly went up the stairs almost falling again, I walked into my room and noticed that my beanie was laying on my pillow. Oh I totally forgot I was wearing a beanie, I put it on and slipped on my boots and grabbed my phone. I ran down the stairs and looked over at the kitchen. Chris wasn't there anymore but instead he was sitting on the couch. I yanked the door open feeling an urge to get out of this house. To get away from all my problems.

The slightly chilly but warm breeze hit me making me feel relieved. But then someone had to shut the door behind me ruining my moment, harsh much. I stepped down the steps and walked down the sidewalk. I put in my earbuds, tuning out the world. Some people were out in their yards with their families, enjoying their time, laughing like it was the last thing they would do, talking loudly with each other, no worries.

I sighed and I could feel some tears threaten to come out. I rubbed my eyes and just tried not to think how I could never possibly be happy and free from all the problems I'm trapped in, be careless like others could easily be. I looked straight ahead trying to block out everything happening around me. But instead I found myself gazing at a park that looked familiar in a way. I took out my earbuds as I walked over to it and then it hit me. This was the park where me, Lizbeth and Chris met.

Flash Back

I looked around the park, there was a group of kids playing with each other and having fun. I walked over to them, in need of a friend. I was new around here and I didn't really have any friends so why not try to make a friend right now?

"Hi, would you guys like to be my friend?" I asked them with hope shimmering in my eyes.

"No! You don't have any friends because you are lonely so you can't be our friend!" A girl snapped.

"Oh. Okay." I walked away my head dropping in sadness.

I slowly walked to the swings, I sat down on one, slightly swinging myself while staring at ground beneath my feet. But then I heard some footsteps, wait no not footsteps, more like skipping coming toward me.

"Hi!" I looked up and there was a girl with really long hair standing in front of me. She was wearing all pink and had many pretty necklaces around her neck.

"Oh hi." I replied even shyer than I was with those mean kids.

"Hi!! My name is Lizbeth and I wanted to know if you want to be my friend." She excitedly said.

"Oh me? Uh yeah I do. And my name is Natalie."

"Yay!!" She squealed while getting on the swing beside me.

We started swinging and she started singing these songs but I felt too shy to also sing. I saw a boy approach us. He had his hair spiked up in the front and was wearing a blue t-shirt with a monster truck on the front.

"Hi. Those kids over there didn't want to be my friend so I was wondering if you two wanted to be my friend." He said even shyer than I was.


"Cooties!?! Who has cooties!?!?" The boy looked around, searching for the person who has the cooties.

"She meant you." I giggled at his reaction.

"Me!? Noo, I do not have cooties! But be careful there might be some people out there with cooties." He panicked.

"Be careful he might be lying, just watch out." Lizbeth whispered to me.

"No I'm pretty sure he's not lying." I reassured her.

"Well my name is Chris and can I still be your friend?" He asked.

"Yeah sure you can be my friend and I'm sure Lizbeth would want to be your friend too."

"Oh yeah I do." She squealed.

"Oh! Yay!"

He happily got on the swing on the other side of me. We all started swinging together and I ended up singing even though I thought I wouldn't sing. But I think I would be able to do even more things with them without feeling uncomfortable.

Flash Back Ends

I looked around, remembering the memories that this park kept safe. I glanced over to the swings. The ones where I made my new friends. I sat down at one of the swings which I remember was the one I was sitting on. I stared at the ground tracing the dirt with the tips of my shoes. Then I heard someone say "Hi", when I looked up I already found two hazel eyes gazing down at me.


Hii, soo last week and this week I've haven't had school because it's been snowing a lot so I've been working on this chapter and here it is. I hope it makes up for the days I haven't updated. I've seen many people going to digi tour and they are meeting Crawford and Chris and ahh I would just die to meet them.

- Natalie

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