Chapter 15

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Today is October the 31st. My favorite day of the year, beside all the other days that I also like. Today was going to be a great day, the temperature outside was cool but warm enough and the pleasing scent of damp leaves and pinecones was lingering in the air. Shit, okay let me get to the point, I got us 5SOS concert tickets so that's why I am so excited.

"Who's going to see 5SOS?!" I yelled for the millionth time. "We are, okay Natalie, we are going to see them. You can shut up now." Lizbeth rolled her eyes. "But I'm going to see my future husband and you're going to see yours too!" A smiled tugged at Lizbeth's lips and it overtook. "Okay fine, fine yes we are seeing Mikey, and you're seeing your little munchkin Cal." I sighed and the smile forming on my lips got even wider causing my cheeks to hurt. "Who's seeing who's future husband?" Chris walked into the kitchen where I was making pancakes and Lizbeth was sitting on the counter passing me the ingredients.

"You know, Cal bear and Mikey." I stated and poured some of the pancake mixture into the pan. "Cal bear? How many more nicknames can you come up with?" Lizbeth asked. "You should see my tweets, they'll answer your questions." I flipped the pancake I was finishing. "Her tweets are very creative by the way." Chris opened the fridge and poured himself some orange juice.

After breakfast I changed into a red and black flannel and black ripped skinny jeans, I tugged on my black combat boots and slipped my phone into my pocket. I went down the stairs and Lizbeth and Chris were sitting on the couch watching tv. Somehow they are always waiting for me. "Let's go see 5SOS!" I yelled and we made our way out the door and into my car.

/ / / / /

(A/N: I've never been to a 5SOS concert so this is basically what I think that goes on during their concerts)

We arrived at the packed stadium, it was swarming with bodyguards and people. Most of the people looked punk rock and most of them were wearing band merch, but we all know 5SOS isn't punk rock, they're just adorable. We made our way through security and found our seats. I got us seats behind the front row, I wanted to get front row seats but I thought about all the other fans who dream about being in the front row and when they had the opportunity to get them, there wouldn't be any tickets left, so I got these seats instead.

During the wait, we took selfies with fans that were also in the crowd and got to know them. But the time finally came when they started playing the intro to "Hey Everybody" the lights dimmed but 4 spotlights were focused on the stage. "Are you all ready for this?!" Michael screamed into the mic. Everyone screamed in reply but instead Lizbeth screamed, "Shit it's my husband!" They all came onto the stage and everybody screamed louder. "Chris it's Calum, oh my god he's right there, Chris, Chris holy shit." I yelled over the screams and Chris just laughed. "Oh my god Lucas is right there too oh my god and Ash and Mikey! Chris they are right there!" I covered my face with my hands, my eyes widening to the fact that the loves of my life were standing right in front of me. "Am I dead?" I breathed out. "No you're not." Chris reassured me.

"Hey Everybody! We don't have to live this way, we can all get some, yeah we can all get paid." They all sang out. I couldn't stop myself from screaming the lyrics out but at the same time my eyes seemed to not peel themselves off of Calum. He was smiling like crazy, and it was adorable. He then turned my way and made eye contact with me. I know it sounds unbelievable but he made eye contact with me and when he saw me his eyes seemed to widen and his mouth slightly dropped. He seemed shocked to see me, I felt like I saw a hint of familiarity reflecting in his eyes. But his line in the song came and he quickly went back to singing.

/ / / / /

The rest of the concert was a mess of emotions and of screaming out the lyrics to all the songs. At the end they thanked us for coming and walked off of the stage. The stadium quickly filled out the way it quickly filled up at the start. But at the time we were leaving I heard a familiar voice call out my name. "Natalie! Wait, Natalie!" I turned around to see Calum and Luke struggling to get out of a bodyguard's grip. "We just want to talk to them!" Luke yelled at the bodyguard but quickly after he mumbled a tiny sorry. "We will get our manager and you know what comes after that." Calum harshly said and his face hardened. The bodyguard set them down, grumbled a sorry, and walked away.

"Sorry about that, they tend to get feisty after shows." Calum smiled. My insides nearly melted at the sight of him smiling in person, right in front of me. "Oh it's fine I guess." I stuttered out not knowing what to say to the extremely adorable boy in front of me. "Hi, I'm Lizbeth." Lizbeth blurted out. Luke and Calum looked at each other and chuckled. I looked at Chris and Lizbeth and lifted an eyebrow. "We know exactly who you are. Who would not know who Chris, Natalie, and Lizbeth are?" Luke asked. They knew who we were? Luke and Calum from 5SOS know who we are? "I am dead." I said out loud not caring if Luke and Calum heard me. "Yes, yes you are." 


I didn't really know where to end this so, sorry for this kinda cliffhanger but at the same time not really. 

GUYS I WAS GOING TO UPDATE A CHAPTER ON HALLOWEEN BUT THE WIFI WAS DOWN THE WHOLE WEEK so I basically was dead the whole weekend and I wasn't able to update a chapter. But I wanted to update a halloween chapter so bad, but literally the wifi was not lit, it was dead. 

So, I decided if I wasn't going to update a halloween chapter what's not better than updating a 5SOS chapter? Am I right? Yeah, yeah the eye contact part was a bit cliché but who doesn't like cliché moments in fanfics? I know we all have a soft part for cliché moments.

Reminder: Pre-order #HandwrittenRevisited !!

k, love ya have an amazing day or night depends at what time you're reading this or if you aren't even reading this at all i still want you to have a great day :)

- Natalie

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